Re: Database testing
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2021 14:07:26 +0530
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 1:46 PM Pap <> wrote:
> Thank you so much.
> Got your point regarding the preprocessing time, which depends on the
> capture time and may not be linearly proportional. But what my
> question was, if we capture the workload for long hours say 15-16 hours
> won't the replay happen exactly in the same time gap and same frequency
> same order of how the sqls(insert/update/delete/selects) were submitted in
> the production system while the workload was captured?
> Say our system was busy or jobs were running from 1AM to 5AM and then
> again there was no activity from 5AM to 8AM and the jobs again started from
> 8AM to 11AM. So I am expecting the awr to capture the details(for a period
> of 1Am to 11AM) in the same order/time gap/frequency etc as during capture
> , so it should not average out the performance(ASH/AWR) figures
> during replay on the test system even if the capture time is larger or
> smaller. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong here?
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 11:25 AM Krishnaprasad Yadav <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If your capture file size is high , then preprocessing also take high
>> amount of time and replay too take more than capture time depending upon
>> paramteres involved in replay .
>> Sample testing can't be assured to be accurate.
>> Regards,
>> Krishna
>> On Tue, 31 Aug 2021, 03:22 Anton Spitsyn, <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Pap,
>>> After you capture the workload, the next step it's preprocessing. It
>>> depends on the size and type of your workload, but be aware that
>>> preprocessing time increases nonlinearly with increasing capture workload
>>> time. For example, we were able to preprocess only 30-60 minutes of
>>> captured production workload in the cluster in a reasonable amount of time.
>>> --
>>> Anton Spitsyn
>>> Database Administrator
>>> On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 11:18 PM Pap <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Listers, We are trying to use the "real application testing"
>>>> feature to test one of the upgrade changes. And during the capture workload
>>>> from production ,we want to do it for the whole day(~15-16hrs) as we have
>>>> different critical jobs running throughout and want to replay that
>>>> ~15-16hrs of captured workload to see and compare their response as against
>>>> run time production.
>>>> Few team members stating we should not capture the workload for such a
>>>> long duration but should do it for a 5-6hrs window only as a bigger window
>>>> will average out the results and we may miss real performance issues? Want
>>>> to understand from experts, if that thought is correct?
-- on Tue Aug 31 2021 - 10:37:26 CEST