RE: Sqlplus COPY Command

From: Mark W. Farnham <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 12:23:34 -0400
Message-ID: <02e101d795df$b9376560$2ba63020$>

That is excellent news on both counts.  

Do you know if there is any plan to include newer types in COPY, or is it just being left alone regarding features but made to work in new releases so that old suites of scripts and so forth don’t stop working for lack of a functioning COPY command?  


From: [] On Behalf Of kris rice Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 11:42 AM
Cc:; oracle-l-freelist; Dominic Brooks Subject: Re: Sqlplus COPY Command  

in sqlcl, copy is not deprecated and no plans to do so. That said the bridge command is nice and even allows the copy to happen from non-oracle to oracle. This command came about from some of the migration projects we were asked to do from X -> Oracle.  


On Fri, Aug 20, 2021 at 9:32 AM Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:

Last time I had a conversation about this with folks at Oracle this was a deprecated but not likely to be scheduled to be removed tool (for good reason).  

You are an example of the good reason. And, as long as you don’t have any newfangled column types and you understand that you need to set long at least as long as your longest long unless you want silent truncation into the destination, it has always been a spiffy and efficient way to copy data directly between databases over the network.  

Mind your arraysizes and copycommit and you should be fine.  


From: [] On Behalf Of Charlotte Hammond (Redacted sender "charlottejanehammond" for DMARC) Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2021 7:45 AM
To:; Dominic Brooks Subject: Re: Sqlplus COPY Command  

Thanks Dominic,  

I had vaguely thought that the COPY command in SQLcl would have the same sort of deprecation warning as in Sqlplus, but I'm not sure if that's actually the case - anyone able to clarify please? I see in the comments in the link that somebody suggested using BRIDGE instead, but certainly either of those 2 options might be exactly what I'm looking for.  


On Thursday, August 19, 2021, 10:48:28 AM GMT+1, Dominic Brooks <> wrote:    


Sent from Mail <> for Windows  

From: Charlotte Hammond <> Sent: 19 August 2021 10:03
Subject: Sqlplus COPY Command  

Hello All,  

I have a sqlplus client connection to 2 Oracle DBs on 2 separate networks, with no access to the hosts.  

The sqlplus COPY command works a treat for moving smallish volumes of data between them from the client. But the documentation says that this will be deprecated in future releases (although I can see it's still in the 21c documentation).  

Assuming I don't want to develop a new process based on the COPY command what would be a better way to do this? (I can't install a database on the client, so database links are out, and there is no network connectivity from DB->client).  



-- Received on Fri Aug 20 2021 - 18:23:34 CEST

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