Re: Access and Filter Predicate on same execution plan line
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 12:16:17 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Actually, I beg to differ. As everything in Oracle, it depends on how do
you plan to use the multi-column index. If you plan on using the index
for the inequality predicates on one column, than that column should
better come first.
On 8/19/21 6:37 AM, Jonathan Lewis wrote:
> Okay - index_join or index_combine. Your reference to 7.3 suggested
> and_equal, (or emulating it since it was only available for single
> column indexes).
> Even so, your two-column index with most selective first isn't a case
> of "most selective first"; it still comes down to the best compromise
> to reduce the number of indexes while satisfying an important class of
> query in the least worst way which, in your case, happened to put the
> most selective column first.
> Here's an interesting thought, though - I'll have to add it to
> <>
> select * from t1
> where col1 > {constant1}
> and col2 > {constant2}
> ;
> can execute using an index skip scan using an index (col1, col2)
> I haven't tested this back to a real where it might not work
> - so far I've only tested on, but the blog note highlights
> the change at
> Regards
> Jonathan Lewis
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Thu Aug 19 2021 - 18:16:17 CEST