Re: Access and Filter Predicate on same execution plan line

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 14:30:01 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Thanks Lothar!

I posted a question on the Richard's blog. The myth is real and the cause of the myth was an expensive index merge operation in previous versions of Oracle. Index merge is much cheaper as of the late versions of Oracle 7i. The whole lore came into being because the people were trying to solve 2  problems with one index:

  1. Range scan (between, <=, >=) on the leading column(s) of the index
  2. The exact equality scan on all columns of the index

The logical solution would be to have several indexes but since the index merge operation was so expensive and the index maintenance cost were having more of an impact at the time when 1 IO request took 20ms to complete, people were creating multi-column indexes. The reason for having the column with the most values as the leading column were usually range scans of that particular column.


On 8/18/21 2:29 AM, Lothar Flatz wrote:
Mladen, this is no basic rule but rather some kind of myth. I like to know who has proven it, where and when.



Am 18.08.2021 um 03:43 schrieb Mladen Gogala:
Mark, one of the basic rules of the database design is to put the most selective column first in a multi-column index. Putting a column with very few values as the first column of a multi-column index goes against the time tested design rules and is guaranteed to cause problems. I have always treated skip scan as a performance problem.

As for the 42 billions, I do agree that the answer to the question of the indexes, databases and everything is 42. I believe that's in one of the Jonathan's books, along with the SEP field of the tablespace headers. BTW, I wonder what will be the Oracle version at the end of the universe?


On 8/17/21 8:51 PM, Mark W. Farnham wrote:
If your first column is just two values, say,  either Y or N, then a skip scan filtering on the second in each of Y and N will be the good polar case of skip scan. (Well, actually all values equal would be even better, but that would also be a silly column to have and index).

If you have 42 billion different values for the first column only a few of which have the desired value in the second column, that will be toward the polar bad case.


Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
-- Received on Wed Aug 18 2021 - 20:30:01 CEST

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