Re: How to fix cache buffer chain issue

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2021 20:47:49 +0100
Message-ID: <>

There are two details that show what the hash join is doing:

In the predicate information section the predicate for operation 8 (the hash join) is access("TMTD"."PMENT"="TAD"."PMENT"); in other words, this is where TAD and TMTD are joined.

The other detail is in the shape of the plan - it's an example of NLJ_BATCHING (see - search for thge section "Basic Plan for 11g (") The first of the two nested loops you specified was between table TNI and (only) the index MTD_PK
The second of the two nested loops was between that result and table TMTD

Jonathan Lewis

On Sun, 27 Jun 2021 at 19:37, Pap <> wrote:

> Thank you very much Jonathan and Andrew.
> Andrew, for my understanding here, I think you got the HASH JOIN access of
> TAD clue from below plan, but i am still not able to understand how this
> path suggests the HASH JON access of TAD, as because line 9 and 10 shows
> two nested loops and HASH Join is in third position in the tree. So I am
> assuming line 9- i.e first nested loop JOIN is between TNI and TMTD and
> line 10 is for the join between TAD and the result set out of TNI JOIN
> TMTD. So doesn't it mean that table TAD is also accessed in a nested loop
> path here?

Received on Sun Jun 27 2021 - 21:47:49 CEST

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