Recovering a standby database with rman

From: Howard Latham <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 2021 10:25:04 +0100
Message-ID: <>

Oracle 19c

We are struggling to understand how in 19 a standby can be backed up and then recovered from tape. A common method to reduce load on a primary DB. The reason is that if standby redologs are being applied rather than archived logs there seems to be a 'hole' in the backup if the timing is wrong and a log switch does not occur on the primary but redo is applied through the standby redo log. Has anyone experienced problems with this? Obviously on a primary we would force a log switch but you can't do that on a standby. If I've missed a doc on this apologies and please point me in the right direction!

Best Wishes

Howard A. Latham

Received on Fri May 28 2021 - 11:25:04 CEST

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