Re: Oracle ODA suggestions.

From: Jack Applewhite <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2021 20:59:19 +0000
Message-ID: <>

We have 2 X4s, which are about to be retired, 2 X5s, still plugging along, and 2 X8-2Ms, with which we are deliriously happy.

Patching the X4s and X5s used to be a nightmare, mainly due to the fact that they are RAC-centric (we hate RAC and never used it), we mistakenly chose Virtualization, and were forced to use ACFS. Our X8s are Bare Metal, single server machines with 100% SSD storage and a joy. After I re-imaged them to 18.8, patching to 19.6 presented a few problems. mainly going from OEL 6 to 7, but, with Oracle Support, we worked them out. We are very happy with 19.6 ODA version and RDBMS version.

One of our X5s is now a pleasure to work on, once I re-imaged it to Bare Metal 19.8 and ASM (no more awful ACFS). We have 12cR1 and 19.8 CDBs on it and it's running nicely.

All the 18.x and 19.x patches I've used for re-imaging and patching have worked, for the most part, very smoothly. Oracle has come a long way in producing, packaging, and documenting ODA patches.

As a K12 school district, we can't afford the MultiTenant Option, so our 12c CDBs have only one PDB and our 19c CDBs have at most 3 PDBs. Cloning, unplugging, and plugging in PDBs sure made the migration from standalone 11gR2 DBs to 12c or 19c PDBs a nicely incremental process. If / when you get to that point, contact me and I'll share the details.

I think you'd do quite nicely with the X8-2Ms as well.

Jack C. Applewhite - Database Administrator
Austin I.S.D. - MIS Department
512.414.9250 (wk)

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From: <> on behalf of Michael McMullen <>
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 10:50
To: ORACLE-L <>; <>
Subject: Re: Oracle ODA suggestions.

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I"ve worked on six different ODA systems/versions and 6 exadatas. I'll take an exadata for patching/maintenance over an ODA any day of the week.
Performance is great, administration is tedious. Everything needs to be done via the api. You don't use things such as dbca. There is a derby database that keeps track of all the oda metadata. If you get one, lock it down to the cowboys in the organization. You need to rule it with an iron fist because if the metadata doesn't match what's been done on the system it is tough.
If your org requires you to add extra rpm's for security etc, then have a system in place to remove and reinstall with every ODA patch.
Get two ODA's because you need one to test the patches on. Even then, with identical ODA's I've had different issues on each one during patching.
MOSC ODA is a great resource. I've dm'd the mod on that list with my SR# and they have personally led oracle support to the resolution.
From: <> on behalf of nilesh kumar <>
Sent: March 15, 2021 12:22 AM
Subject: Oracle ODA suggestions.

Hello All,

Hope everyone is doing good!

We are migrating our database from AIX machine to different platform namely Linux or Windows if possible.
Current oracle db is 12.2 version and they are mission critical databases and are standalone databases roughly with 5 tb sizes.
I was looking for a better solution when compared to the old legacy based approach like set-up a similar hardware and networks in our location and then do the database migration.
With minimum experience on the Hardware side and networking side, I came across Oracle data Appliance (ODA) but do not have any experience on ODA, if any one has set-up ODA or working on ODA could you please share your experience on ODA pros and cons.

Or any better approach or solution please advise.

Thanks & Regards
Oracle DBA (sqlplus "/as sysdba" is my world)

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