Re: improve cardinality estimate

From: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 15:09:19 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>

Is creating a virtual column and then gathering a histogram on that different/better than gathering expression statistics via something like: BEGIN  DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS(user, 'ORDERS', method_opt => 'FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE SKEWONLY FOR COLUMNS ( order_processing_date - business_processing_date) SIZE SKEWONLY');END; ?

    On Thursday, March 18, 2021, 10:31:16 AM EDT, Jonathan Lewis <> wrote:    

Are all these dates date-only, or is there a time component allowed ?Is this one partition per day. From what you've said, and assuming YES as the answer to the questions above, creating a virtual column on (order_processing_date - business_processing_date) looks like an obvious thing to do. And then create a (frequency) histogram on the virtual column so that the optimizer can see there are (usually?)  only 3 distinct values and the one you're interested in is rare.

RegardsJonathan Lewis

On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 13:52, Laurentiu Oprea <> wrote:

Regarding parallel I`m relaying my affirmation of the fact that I tested with hint /*+ dynamic_sampling(8) */ (the DS level with parallel hint) and gives the same estimate. Yes there is a relation order_procesing_date between business_procesing_date -1 and business_procesing_date + 1 and there is no fooling like null values or year 1900/9999 The pattern is constant , grouping by partition_date  for the last 7 days it ranges from 0 to 130k (out of a total of 24M)  rows filtered by condition order_procesing_date > = business_procesing_date .  Also the columns are not virtual columns (strange expressions) În joi, 18 mar. 2021 la 15:14, Jonathan Lewis <> a scris:

The change for parallel processing is one I'd have to think about - it may be something to do with the way the predicates are rewritten for the parallel query slaves - so I'll postpone thinking about that bit.

The questions to ask first of all are:a) what's the business logic.  is there an approximate relationship between order_processing_date and business_processing date (e.g. the former is usually about 3 days before the latter).b) has the optimizer been fooled by a "silly null" effect - like "not yet processed" = "31-Dec-9999"c) how much does the pattern change over time - e.g. if the partition date is sysdate - 1 is this a partition where a lot of rows have not yet had business_processing_date set, but if partition date = sysdate - 7 then maybe lots of rows now have a business_processing_date set. RegardsJonathan Lewis

On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 12:26, Laurentiu Oprea <> wrote:

I recently saw a query with a wrong execution plan and looks to be caused by an overestimate of a particular where clause. Ex: select     count(*)from     orderswhere     partition_date = sysdate-1 and    order_procesing_date > = business_procesing_date the count itself is = 42Kthe count itself without second condition ~ 24Mthe cardinality estimate ~ 24Mthe cardinality estimate if I add parallel hint: 1M (this is an interesting one and looks to be related with the fact that parallel queries get DS level 8)the cardinality estimate  if I rewrite the condition : order_procesing_date - business_procesing_date  >= interval '0' minute :1.4M  I haven't tried yet but I suspect that if I create extended stats on expression ( order_procesing_date - business_procesing_date) can get me better results  The question is what is the logic behind beter cardinality estimates if I rewrite the where clause?What will be the best approach for this query? Thank you.   

Received on Thu Mar 18 2021 - 16:09:19 CET

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