Re: Archive Log Size
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2021 09:51:22 +0000
Message-ID: <>
I was under the impression that Data Guard doesn't rely on archivelog shipping any more. I wonder is worrying about Data Guard a blind alley?
On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 10:35 PM Henry Poras <> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> According to the docs, "A 0 value disables the time-based thread advance
> feature" so I am going under the assumption that 900 means 900. Of course,
> sometimes docs lie.
> Tim, what you suggest makes sense, but it doesn't match up with what I am
> seeing in this environment. There is some data in the first few entries in
> this thread. I can summarize over a larger time frame if you like.
> Basically, each thread is switching every couple of minutes or less, and
> the archive logs are consistently 40-43M (redo logs are 256M).
> Henry
> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 4:14 PM Tim Gorman <> wrote:
>> Is it possible that, when archived redo log files are small, their
>> modification time is 15 mins (i.e. 900 seconds) after the previous redo log
>> file was created/archived?
>> I might be missing the point of your original question, but if you're
>> asking about archived redo log files being smaller than the online redo log
>> files, then ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET > 0 on a frequently-idle instance would
>> explain that?
>> On 3/9/2021 11:39 AM, Henry Poras wrote:
>> archive_lag_target is 900
>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 2:33 PM Tim Gorman <> wrote:
>>> What is the value of ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET?
>>> On 3/9/2021 11:29 AM, Henry Poras wrote:
>>> Basically that is it. Redo logs are 256M, archive logs are ~40M. There
>>> was a similar issue/thread in this list ~6 weeks ago, but the solution to
>>> that system doesn't fit with this case. Hope that helps.
>>> Henry
>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 2:23 PM Chris Taylor <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So what is the issue here exactly? I''ve read through this thread a
>>>> few times without clearly understanding the "problem" .
>>>> It seems like you're wondering about why the archivelogs are smaller
>>>> than the redo logs maybe? But I'm not sure if that is the issue or not.
>>>> Chris
>>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 1:51 PM Henry Poras <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I wonder if there is any way to see if the problem is local or from
>>>>> the standby without temporarily disabling the standby. It would be nice to
>>>>> be able to eliminate one of those two causes.
>>>>> Henry
>>>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 12:54 PM Henry Poras <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I liked that idea. Unfortunately,
>>>>>> *physical standby*:sys_at_ohcopp2> select distinct bytes from v$log;
>>>>>> BYTES
>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>> 268435456
>>>>>> 1 row selected.
>>>>>> *physical standby*:sys_at_ohcopp2> select distinct bytes from
>>>>>> v$standby_log;
>>>>>> BYTES
>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>> 268435456
>>>>>> 1 row selected.
>>>>>> *primary*:sys_at_ohcops1> select distinct bytes from v$log;
>>>>>> BYTES
>>>>>> ----------
>>>>>> 268435456
>>>>>> 1 row selected.
>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 12:02 PM Jonathan Lewis <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> That explains the LGWR/ARCH oddity.
>>>>>>> Next, let me display my ignorance: is it possible to configure your
>>>>>>> standby with standby log files that are SMALLER than the primary log files
>>>>>>> - I think it used to be necessary to have them matching in size, but maybe
>>>>>>> that's changed since the good old days (of 10g). If a standby can survive
>>>>>>> with standby log file smaller than primary log files then maybe your 40 -
>>>>>>> 45MB is being dictated by the size of your standby log files.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Jonathan Lewis
>>>>>>> On Tue, 9 Mar 2021 at 16:35, Henry Poras <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Current parameter settings (same on all nodes) are:
>>>>>>>> log_archive_dest_1
>>>>>>>> DB_UNIQUE_NAME=xxxx
>>>>>>>> log_archive_dest_2 SERVICE=xxxx LGWR ASYNC
>>>>>>>> log_archive_dest_state_1 enable
>>>>>>>> log_archive_dest_state_2 ENABLE
>>>>>>>> log_archive_max_processes 4
>>>>>>>> log_archive_duplex_dest
>>>>>>>> log_archive_format ARC%S_%R.%T
>>>>>>>> So log_archive_dest_2 has the deprecated LGWR parameter. It's
>>>>>>>> dest_1, using FRA which is using ARCH. Huh?
>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 8:45 AM Henry Poras <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Jonathan,
>>>>>>>>> I have to admit I was also not expecting both LGWR and ARCH and
>>>>>>>>> only came across that because you suggested looking for creator. I didn't
>>>>>>>>> put this standby together, so I'll do a bit of digging to see how it is
>>>>>>>>> constructed. One question though (and the reason I didn't head down this
>>>>>>>>> path earlier). If archive_lag_time=900 on all instances, what is the
>>>>>>>>> hypothesis where the standby impacts the archive log size?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks again.
>>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 4:43 AM Jonathan Lewis <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Interesting that of the two archived copies one is created by
>>>>>>>>>> ARCH and the other by LGWR.
>>>>>>>>>> What do your log_archive_dest_1 and log_archive_dest_2 look like ?
>>>>>>>>>> For completeness I guess it's also worth checking
>>>>>>>>>> log_archive_dest_state_1 and log_archive_dest_state_2
>>>>>>>>>> log_archive_max_processes
>>>>>>>>>> log_archive_duplex_dest
>>>>>>>>>> log_archive_format
>>>>>>>>>> log_archive_local_first
>>>>>>>>>> What sort of standby setup do you have?
>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Jonathan Lewis
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2021 at 19:39, Henry Poras <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Jonathan,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for responding so quickly.
>>>>>>>>>>> As expected, we have 2 public threads and no private threads
>>>>>>>>>>> (RAC). The sizes of log_buffer, Redo Size, Fixed Size, public thread size
>>>>>>>>>>> as documented above are identical for all three nodes.
>>>>>>>>>>> Looking at v$instance, all nodes have been up for ~10 days (not
>>>>>>>>>>> identical startup_time, but within a day) with status of OPEN.
>>>>>>>>>>> I can't find any clues in v$archived_log
>>>>>>>>>>> primary:sys_at_ohcops1> l
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 select * from (
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 select dest_id, thread#, sequence#, creator, first_time
>>>>>>>>>>> from v$archived_log
>>>>>>>>>>> 3 order by first_time desc, thread# asc, dest_id asc
>>>>>>>>>>> 4 )
>>>>>>>>>>> 5* where rownum <=20
>>>>>>>>>>> primary:sys_at_ohcops1> /
>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- -------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 2 1056302 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:34:11
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 2 1056302 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:34:11
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 1 1126141 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:34:06
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 1 1126141 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:34:06
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 3 1164895 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:33:47
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 3 1164895 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:33:47
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 3 1164894 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:32:26
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 3 1164894 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:32:26
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 2 1056301 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:32:20
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 2 1056301 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:32:20
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 1 1126140 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:32:15
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 1 1126140 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:32:15
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 3 1164893 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:30:50
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 3 1164893 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:30:50
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 2 1056300 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:30:29
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 2 1056300 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:30:29
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 1 1126139 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:30:09
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 1 1126139 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:30:09
>>>>>>>>>>> 1 3 1164892 ARCH 08-03-2021 20:29:32
>>>>>>>>>>> 2 3 1164892 LGWR 08-03-2021 20:29:32
>>>>>>>>>>> 20 rows selected.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll keep looking.
>>>>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Mar 6, 2021 at 3:41 AM Jonathan Lewis <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> RAC doesn't use private redo - so with 32 CPUs we'd expect two
>>>>>>>>>>>> public threads with (granule - fixed - overheads)/2 as the log buffer size.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this happening on all three instances (redo threads)?
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you report the "first_time" from v$archived_log can you see
>>>>>>>>>>>> a pattern to the timing of the switch.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is there any clue in the "creator" from v$archived_log ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> One possible explanation for this (assuming you've discounted
>>>>>>>>>>>> all the usual suspects): Are all three instances active when this happens?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't checked recently but when an instance is down the
>>>>>>>>>>>> active instances may be "kicking" it (KK lock) on a regular basis to do a
>>>>>>>>>>>> log file switch so that all instances have archived log files with SCNs
>>>>>>>>>>>> that are reasonably close to each other. Maybe there's a side effect (or
>>>>>>>>>>>> timing issue, or bug) related to this that means the kicking is happening
>>>>>>>>>>>> too frequently and you're not getting through a lot of redo before it
>>>>>>>>>>>> happens.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jonathan Lewis
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 5 Mar 2021 at 20:39, Henry Poras <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - I was just rereading this thread and ran into a slightly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> different case I am just starting to dig into. My environment is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> RAC (3 nodes).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The rough breakdown:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Granule size: 256M
>>>>>>>>>>>>> > select * from v$sga;
>>>>>>>>>>>>> NAME VALUE
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------- ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fixed Size 2269072
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Variable Size 3.9460E+10
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Database Buffers 8.8584E+10
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Redo Buffers 227807232
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cpu_count: 32
>>>>>>>>>>>>> log_buffer: 220798976
>>>>>>>>>>>>> public threads: 2 public (no private) 105M each
>>>>>>>>>>>>> primary:sys_at_ohcops1> l
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 select
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 indx,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 total_bufs_kcrfa,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 strand_size_kcrfa,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5 index_kcrf_pvt_strand,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6 space_kcrf_pvt_strand
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7 from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8* x$kcrfstrand
>>>>>>>>>>>>> primary:sys_at_ohcops1> /
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- ---------------- -----------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------- ---------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 215624 110399488
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 215624 110399488
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>> redo logs: 256M
>>>>>>>>>>>>> archive logs: 40-43M
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So if each public thread takes 105M, I have ~~46M left over.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Filling one thread and switching, as discussed in Jonathan's article,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> should give me archive logs of ~105 M. Instead, I am getting an archive log
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of ~ the rump size in the redo (256-105-105=46M).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked the obvious (not a manual log switch, not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> archive_lag_target).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll chime in if I find something interesting. Also wondering
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if any obvious things I'm missing off the top.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ===================================================================
-- +353-86-0695383 -- on Wed Mar 10 2021 - 10:51:22 CET