Re: Monthly RMAN Long Term Backup

From: Michael J Pecoraro <>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 11:45:22 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Hi Sallie.

Are you using an RMAN Recovery Catalog database or is your RMAN repository in your control files?  If you are not using an RMAN Recovery Catalog database, then the Archival backups will age out of your control file based on your control_file_record_keep_time parameter value.  You may wish to consider using an RMAN Recovery Catalog database.  Otherwise, you will need to keep track of archival backups that have aged out and add them back to the RMAN repository before you begin a restore.  The RMAN catalog process can run an extended time when the backup piece files are located at a remote location.  Be sure to test the restore process to ensure it meets your database mean time to recovery requirements.

Michael J Pecoraro
University at Buffalo

On 3/8/21 4:34 PM, Sallie Cottingham wrote:
> Hi –
> I currently have a daily full RMAN backup job that runs each evening
> and one additional job that runs every 2 hours to backup the archive
> logs.  My setup is that the full backup is kept for a recovery window
> of 14 days and for the archive log files, once they have been backed
> up twice they are deleted.
> I have a new requirement for a new job to be run monthly to get a full
> backup of the database and keep that backup for a year.  I’ve been
> researching this and found that to do this I can use the ‘keep until
> time sysdate +365’ to accomplish this.  My understanding is that by
> using the ‘keep until’ parameter RMAN will backup the database as well
> as any archive logs needed for a consistent backup.  And
> spfile/control file as well?
> I’m trying to understand how the archive logs backups work in this
> situation.  When the monthly backup is run and needed archive logs are
> included in the backup is that counted against the 2 that I normally
> want to keep?  And also could there be a situation where a needed
> archive log might have already been backed up twice and therefore been
> deleted? These monthly backups are going to be written to DDBoost at
> our DR site and so I’m wanting to be double sure that I know
> everything needed for a restore is included – but also that I haven’t
> done anything that would upset my normal backup routine.
> Any insight would be helpful – Thanks!
> *Sallie A. Cottingham*, OCP
> /Database Administrator/
> Comptroller of the Treasury
> Technology Solutions
> 425 Rep. John Lewis Way N. | Nashville, TN 37243
> <>_ |
> Direct Line 615.401.7962
> A picture containing food Description automatically generated


Received on Tue Mar 09 2021 - 17:45:22 CET

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