Oracle SPA Use case

From: Lok P <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:06:51 +0530
Message-ID: <>

Hi Listers, We are on RDBMS version of Oracle exadata and are migrating from exadata X5 to X8 and want to perform a basic performance test on the new X8. We don't currently have the time and flexibility to perform a real application testing(RAT) test which would have been a full fledged test of the exact behaviour of the application on X8. So we want to go for the SPA(sql performance analyzer) option as a quick alternate. I have few questions around SPA testing.

1)In the SPA test I am seeing we don't have an option to have the DML/DDl tested on the current 11.2 version.So is there any alternate way to achieve/test this?
2) And also after capturing the sql tuning sets from the AWR , it's asking to run, create and analyze tasks on the current database which is again going to take time as it will run the SELECT part of the statements(DML/DDL) behind the scene. So my question was as we already have the AWR data in the current database why i have to again run it and that is going to take time and resources on the current production database? is it simply possible to capture the sql tuning set from current production for a certain period (say 3-4hrs) and then just export and import it to the new X8 database and then run it there and compare and see the difference in performance?


Received on Fri Feb 26 2021 - 09:36:51 CET

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