Deferred Segment Creation
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2021 11:14:23 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Recently I have reason to know if tables/indexes/partitions were created with 'DEFERRED SEGMENT CREATION'
As this is the default behavior unless deferred_segment_creation has been set to FALSE, probably it is most of these objects.
But then again, deferred_segment_creation may be altered per session.
When I went looking for a column in some DBA/SYS view that might show this, I could not find one.
Perhaps it is very obvious, and I just can't see the forest for the trees.
I know that this information is stored, for two reasons
- the documentation says it is an option when tables/etc are created
- running dbms_metdata.ddl generates the DDL with that bit included
It did occur to me that maybe the docs are somewhat inaccurate, and the the current value of deferred_segment_creation may be what is used.
Or I could test for it, creating tables with the different options, running dbms_medata, etc.
Or, I could just ask here.
Which sometimes leads to fascinating conversations :)
So, finally my formal question:
Can someone tell me how to query the data dictionary to determine if an object was created with deferred segment creation?
Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
Principal Consultant at Pythian
Oracle ACE Alumni
-- on Thu Feb 25 2021 - 20:14:23 CET