"Data Insights" in SQL Developer Web
From: Hemant K Chitale <hemantkchitale_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 13:11:45 +0800
Message-ID: <CAMNBsZuy_fSYCP_g4hA-X=V_mKa_prQmp8xtfiaUvRyT3_NyLw_at_mail.gmail.com>
Anyone using "Data Insights" in SQL Developer Web on the Oracle Cloud ?
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 13:11:45 +0800
Message-ID: <CAMNBsZuy_fSYCP_g4hA-X=V_mKa_prQmp8xtfiaUvRyT3_NyLw_at_mail.gmail.com>
Anyone using "Data Insights" in SQL Developer Web on the Oracle Cloud ?
I loaded some "Car Sales" data (target column PRICE against MODEL, YEAR,
ENGINE_SIZE etc) and the generated "insights" don't make much sense to me.
It seems to be (blindly ?) attempting to generate "Insights" for certain
combinations of column but ignores more meaningful one like
"Mileage/Fuel_Type", "MPG/Model"
It doesn't allow me to specify which columns to ignore --- unless, probably
I manually create a view or new table with a subset of columns.
The documentation
only says "Insights are automatically generated by various analytic
functions built into the database."
Hemant K Chitale
-- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Tue Feb 23 2021 - 06:11:45 CET