Re: Background process PSP0 high CPU waits

From: Frank Gordon <>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2021 09:54:35 +0000
Message-ID: <>


Is your application spawning a "huge amount" of database server processes?


On Wed, Feb 3, 2021 at 5:58 PM Rich J <> wrote:

> Hey all,
> In one of our 19.6 EE instances (OL7.7 VM), the PSP0 background process
> occasionally goes into a CPU wait state for an extended time (>1 hour).
> This shows up both in real-time monitoring with EM13.4 as well as AWR
> reports as event "CPU + Wait for CPU". However, there is no correlated CPU
> usage from the OS side. There are several "rdbms ipc message" idle waits
> reported on this process.
> There are no trace files generated, there are no entries in the alert log
> and nothing about this that I could find in MOS. Other than EM/AWR saying
> that PSP0 is waiting, I don't see any negative effects of this event.
> Thoughts, anyone? I guess I'm wondering "If it ain't broke..." applies or
> is this a precursor/omen of fun things to come. Or is this another case of
> an idle wait being treated as non-idle in reporting?
> Thanks,
> Rich


Received on Fri Feb 12 2021 - 10:54:35 CET

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