Re: sql developer vs sqlplus sql and plsql syntax
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2020 21:40:00 +0100
Message-ID: <>
By the way, I am not very familiar with sql developer but I just tested
this and it does not run as script unless I add semicolon and back slash
select 1 from dual
var1 varchar2(1);
select 1
So it seems to me that to run sql scripts at the end of the day sql
developer is the same as sqlplus which needs terminators?
On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 9:18 PM Ls Cheng <> wrote:
> Hi
into var1
from dual;
> but SQLCl is CLI correct?
> Thanks
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 8:58 PM Jeff Smith <>
> wrote:
>> Sure it does, SQLcl and SQLDev use the exact same script engine.
>> *From:* Ls Cheng <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, December 14, 2020 2:39 PM
>> *To:* Jeff Smith <>
>> *Cc:* Oracle Mailinglist <>
>> *Subject:* Re: sql developer vs sqlplus sql and plsql syntax
>> Hi
>> That does make any difference, developers wants to use GUI, not CLI
>> unfortunately
>> BR
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 5:59 PM Jeff Smith <>
>> wrote:
>> Or…ask the DBAs to meet their developers half way and start using SQLcl
>> to do the pushes to prod.
>> There are SET commands you can use to define what statement delimiters
>> you want, but again, at the end of the day, if you’re not testing it
>> exactly as it’s going to run in production, that’s FAIL.
>> *From:* Ls Cheng <>
>> *Sent:* Monday, December 14, 2020 10:09 AM
>> *To:* Jeff Smith <>
>> *Cc:* Oracle Mailinglist <>
>> *Subject:* Re: sql developer vs sqlplus sql and plsql syntax
>> Hi
>> "*If you know the DBAs are using SQL*Plus to roll out updates, then the
>> developers need to USE SQL*Plus for testing their scripts. It’s that
>> simple.*"
>> Yes, that is being asked, the developers MUST test their scripts with
>> SQLPLUS otherwise there is no way to automate updates. But the developers
>> have never used SQLPLUS so it is very hard to ask them to move from GUI to
>> CLI. So I was thinking if SQL developer could configure in such a way so
>> semicolon and backslash can be forced...
>> BR
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 2:41 PM Jeff Smith <>
>> wrote:
>> If you ever want to talk to me, feel free to contact me directly
>> *DBA team and the developers because the developers write codes in SQL
>> developer then they upload them as script for the DBA to run in the
>> test/prod environment which all fails (and plsql objects not created)
>> obecause DBA's uses SQLPLUS and because most SQL execution request are
>> batched with SQLPLUS.*
>> Wrong, wrong, wrong. Bad, bad, bad. Developers and DBAs need to agree on
>> the requirements for production rollouts/promoting code.
>> If you know the DBAs are using SQL*Plus to roll out updates, then the
>> developers need to USE SQL*Plus for testing their scripts. It’s that simple.
>> The DBAs should have figured out by now what was going on and had some
>> checks in place to prevent this from happening accidently. This is more of
>> a communication issue than a tooling issue.
>> Jeff
>> *From:* Ls Cheng <>
>> *Sent:* Sunday, December 13, 2020 1:19 PM
>> *To:* Oracle Mailinglist <>
>> *Subject:* sql developer vs sqlplus sql and plsql syntax
>> Hi
>> This is for Jeff Smith! :-)
>> I would like to know why SQL Developer allow people to execute SQL code
>> without semicolon and PLSQL code with backslash? (OK TOAD does the same
>> thing but it is not made by Oracle)
>> For example code such as this works in SQL developer
>> -- semicolon missing
>> select * from dba_users
>> -- backslash missing
>> declare
>> l_a number;
>> begin
>> select 1 into l_a from dual;
>> end;
>> -- backslash missing
>> create or replace procedure p_test
>> is
>> l_a number;
>> begin
>> select 1 into l_a from dual;
>> end;
>> This is causing some serious conflicts between DBA team and the
>> developers because the developers write codes in SQL developer then they
>> upload them as script for the DBA to run in the test/prod environment which
>> all fails (and plsql objects not created) obecause DBA's uses SQLPLUS and
>> because most SQL execution request are batched with SQLPLUS.
>> The developers claim if the code runs in SQL developer it must run in
>> SQLPLUS because it is a tool from Oracle. Is there a way to configure SQL
>> Developer so it can have the same behaviour as SQLPLUS?
>> Thanks
-- on Mon Dec 14 2020 - 21:40:00 CET