RE: Optimizer estimated cardinality very low

From: Noveljic Nenad <>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2020 12:55:38 +0000
Message-ID: <>


I ran a model query with Mauro Pagano’s Pathfinder. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a bug fix control or a hidden parameter that would change the selectivity calculation.

One workaround is forcing good luck by setting the stage for the optimizer to ignore the column groups statistics in semi-join selectivity calculation. The other is to simply hint the query. A DBA is caught between a rock and a hard place.

Selectivity calculations based on column groups seem to be generally prone to catastrophic (and undocumented) algorithm changes. Add SQL plan directives for creating extended statistics and auto column size statistics to the picture, and you get a volatility which is not trivial to troubleshoot.

Best regards,


From: <> On Behalf Of Jonathan Lewis Sent: Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2020 12:35 To: ORACLE-L ( <> Subject: Re: Optimizer estimated cardinality very low


I saw your email with the formulae in a couple of days ago, I was just covering two points:

  1. (some of) the variations that could be checked to find out where, specifically, Daniel's setup are giving him good luck in June and bad luck in July.
  2. raising the complaint that a switch of algorithm shouldn't produce a catastrophic change in estimate for a minor change in values (with the follow-up that this looks like a bug - though there are other cases where the optimizer switches algorithm catastrophically in ways that seem unreasonable).

Jonathan Lewis

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 13:16, Noveljic Nenad <<>> wrote: Jonathan,

The usage of column group statistics obviously depends on many factors, such as the presence of histograms, matching columns on col group (or index) stats in both tables, sanity checks, etc..

The problem is that the optimizer switches to completely different formula for calculating selectivity if it decides to use col group stats:

With column groups: sel = 1/greater(NDV(t1),NDV(t2) Without column groups sel = 1

The difference can be in orders of magnitude, like in Daniel’s case.

The problem isn’t only with semi-join. The join selectivity calculation is also broken for multi-joins with a filter.

Best regards,


From:<> <<>> On Behalf Of Jonathan Lewis Sent: Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020 14:03
To: ORACLE-L (<>) <<>> Subject: Re: Optimizer estimated cardinality very low

I've got to say that I think there's a logic error in the way this whole thing works.

A very small change in statistics shouldn't result in a massive change in estimated outcome. (This is different from the nlj/hj switch which can look as if it's an analogy, but the nlj/hj switch happens when the statistics say that both should cost the same).

For this existence to go (effectively) from 100% to 0% on the basis of a tiny difference really does suggest that someone hasn't thought through the implications (or, possibly, two independent pieces of code have been hijacked as the A/B options without any consideration of consistency).

Jonathan Lewis

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 12:40, Jonathan Lewis <<>> wrote:

I've modelled this problem on a pair of non-partitioned tables. (Since the join is exactly across an exact matching pair of partitions I think this is probably valid). I've got 100,000 rows in claim_header and 110,000 rows in claim_line. The actual number of distinct trnsct_cntl_nbr in both tables is exactly 100,000, with 4 dates The basic stats collection for tables reports 4 dates and 99,848 distinct values for trnsctl_ctl_nbr. Any set of tests below starts with no indexes, no column groups and no histograms

  1. Baseline test - this gets a "suitable" cardinality estimate (100K) a') create a histogram on either (or both) date columns - still gets the "proper" cardinality
  2. Adding indexes on (trnsctl_cntl_nbr, clm_hdr_pd_dt) at both ends I get cardinality 1. b') Adding hdr_sts_cd to either of the indexes gets "proper" cardinality b'') With 2-column indexes adding a histogram on date to either table gets cardinality 1
  3. Add a column group to just one table, ndv = 98,832, in both cases proper cardinality c') Add a column group to BOTH tables at once get cardinality 1 c'') Add histogram on date to ONE table (when both have column groups) get cardinality 1 c''') Add histograms on date to BOTH tables (when both have column groups) get proper cardinality c'''') As for c''', but increase the NDV (in stages) on the claim_header column groups - get cardinality 1 at 99,001 c''''') As for c''', but increase the NDV (in stages) on the claim_line column groups - get cardinality 1 at 108,901

From c''' and c''''' it appears that there's a break point for the sanity check at 99% of the rows in the table. Trying to untangle this to get something useful is going to be a pain - and it's still not a complete set of tests.

Question - For the two tables, for the two columns in the join/existence, what indexes, column groups and histograms do you have.

Jonathan Lewis

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