Re: improve cardinality estimation
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2020 17:27:14 +0200
Message-ID: <>
I definitely would feel very nervous to use sql translation, clearly have
no intention to use it but it is good to know about it ( I didn't knew
about it before so thanks) .
At this point I managed to save the situation using a couple of baselines
(the same path is good "enough" for all kinds of situations (bind values)
and its duration for this particular section is1 minute compared with 1
hour so this makes people happy). Even more with some luck, beginning of
next year I`ll have the code updated similar to what Jonathan suggested.
Thanks all for your input. It was very useful and helpful.
În mie., 28 oct. 2020 la 16:37, Jared Still <> a scris:
> and you should feel uneasy about sql translation
> sql translation could be used for all kinds of nefarious things.
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 01:29 Lothar Flatz <> wrote:
>> My apologies if that was already mentioned. (This thread is rather long).
>> sysdate <= sysdate + 1 always holds true. I do not think the optimizer is
>> capable of analysis at that level which goes beyond a straight logical
>> calculus transformation.
>> You could use some constant "where sysdate between trunc(col_from_date)
>> and trunc(nvl(col_to_date,to_date('12312999','MMDDYYYY')))".
>> This approach has his disadvantages too . It can lead to underestimation
>> as it extend the time window unrealistically. It might hold in your case.
>> That's a matter of testing.
>> Your rewrite is cleaner and I believe that is the preferred solution.
>> Instead of changing the code there is always the option of the sql
>> translation, although I would feel a bit uneasy about it.
>> Regards
>> Lothar
>> Am 28.10.2020 um 08:39 schrieb Laurentiu Oprea:
>> Overall, I start to suspect that the only solution is code re-write . But
>> not sure if this is a legitimate question: if there is an equivalent code
>> shape should oracle rewrite the query behind the scenes with that shape? Or
>> in this situation the "sysdate" scares him being non-deterministic, even if
>> the code with the different shape is not influenced by non-deterministic
>> character of sysdate?
>> În mie., 28 oct. 2020 la 07:08, Laurentiu Oprea <
>>> a scris:
>>> Dynamic sampling 11 was the nightmare until not so long. Due to a bug
>>> the automatic determined value was 11. It was generating a parsing time of
>>> over 5 minutes to parallel queries and when downgrade was happening due to
>>> various reasons I could see even 30 minutes of parsing (there were even
>>> extreme cases of 2-3 hours).
>>> Thanks for suggestion, although indeed solves the cardinality issues in
>>> my case the side effect is crazy parse time for some other more important
>>> queries.
>>> În mie., 28 oct. 2020 la 04:12, Mladen Gogala <>
>>> a scris:
>>>> Is this an OLTP instance? If it is not, you may try with
>>>> OPTIMIZER_DYNAMIC_SAMPLING=11. If that is an OLTP instance, using
>>>> dynamic sampling will increase parsing time and lower the performance,
>>>> albeit not drastically.
>>>> On 10/27/20 11:31 AM, Laurentiu Oprea wrote:
>>>> > Hello,
>>>> >
>>>> > I found a query with a very bad execution plan due to low
>>>> > cardinality evaluation of below where clause
>>>> >
>>>> > where
>>>> > sysdate between trunc(col_from_date) and
>>>> > trunc(nvl(col_to_date,sysdate+1))
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there any way I can improve the estimate (like extended stats,
>>>> etc) ?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks for your help.
>>>> --
>>>> Mladen Gogala
>>>> Database Consultant
>>>> Tel: (347) 321-1217
>>>> --
>> --
> Jared Still
> Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist
> Principal Consultant at Pythian
> Oracle ACE Alumni
> Pythian Blog
> Github:
-- on Wed Oct 28 2020 - 16:27:14 CET