RE: Exadata training suggestions

From: <>
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 12:10:07 -0700
Message-ID: <1b6301d69c14$4eca0630$ec5e1290$>

I don’t think it is as bleak as Chris makes it sound.

I have a variety of clients that have ExaCC and other clients where from the DBA perspective we are the ExaAdmins and the DBAs have no access to the internal of the Exadata or root on the VMs or physicals, so not much different than ExaCC in that a separate organization is in charge of the Exadata.

I have found Exadata support to be actually a little better than regular DB Support in that we can normally get to the base teams quickly to determine root cause to a problem.

Patching is patching when it comes to VMs on Exadata, which I also have clients with on-prem Exadatas that run VMs no different than ExaCC.

You simply need to read the manuals and Support notes and in your DBA world it is mostly the same except when it comes to resource plans and query tuning/memory sizing that there are Exadata specific items you need to know about and act on accordingly.      

From: <> On Behalf Of Keith Moore Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2020 12:06 PM
To: Chris Taylor <> Cc: Mladen Gogala <>;; Subject: Re: Exadata training suggestions  

I agree with Chris that Exadata Cloud at Customer is a completely different animal. I do not know of any specific courses for it. The manuals may be your only source.  

I agree with Mladen on the Expert Oracle Exadata book. You will get some good understanding of Exadata specific features such at HCC and Smart scans which apply to C_at_C as well as to on-premises Exadata.  

Exadata training from Oracle is also pretty good but not up to date and AFAIK doesn’t include Cloud at Customer or OCI.  

Basically, the Oracle training and Exadata book will tell you how things work under the covers but do not tell you HOW to do specific things like backing up the database, creating a database, etc where it’s done completely different on Cloud at Customer.  


On Oct 6, 2020, at 1:33 PM, Chris Taylor < <> > wrote:  

I will say that Oracle Exadata Cloud _at_ Customer (Exa CC) is quite a bit different than Exadata on-prem *and* also different than Exadata in the cloud. (We're a C_at_C customer)  

With Exa CC, you only have access to the DomU (the VMs which are your hostnames).

Patching is quite the nightmare.

Support is quite rough for any issues outside the DomU as you have to engage CloudOps - and may have to engage CloudOps for DomU stuff but not usually.

So support model ends up looking something like this:

Customer=>Create SR

Customer=>Talk to first level Rep that picks up ticket

Customer=>Explain to Rep you're a C_at_C customer (even though you put it in the ticket and it should be obvious) Oracle SR Rep=> Tells customer to wait while they enage CloudOps


CloudOps=>Does "x" and finds "y"

CloudOps=>Tell customer "Y"
Oracle SR Rep=>Tells / repeats CloudOps info to Customer

Customer=>Tells Oracle SR Rep to tell CloudOps "Z" [rinse & repeat]  

I'm not 100% convinced Oracle will be able to successfully make Cloud _at_ Customer work long term without some serious & severe changes. And if there has _ever_ been an over-engineered product at Oracle (I'm looking at you OEM) , Exadata has it in spades.


On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 1:37 PM Mladen Gogala < <> > wrote:

I would start by reading "Expert Oracle Exadata" by Kerry Osborne & Tanel Poder. Exadata is RAC with a twist, but mostly RAC. If you have an experience with RAC, not just ASM, you are well equipped to deal with Exadata. A book by two Oracle aces of spades, in addition to your RAC experience, should be enough to get you going. It's an excellent book:  

There is also the 2nd edition of this book with Martin Bach as the principal author:  

I haven't read the 2nd edition but Martin Bach is a prolific author and his books are usually good. This one should be no exception.  



On Tue, 2020-10-06 at 15:54 +0000, Kemnitz, LeRoy wrote:

All –  

I am completely new the Oracle Exadata env. We are planning on doing the Exadata Cloud at the Customer. I have been running Oracle database and ASM on Linux for years, version 12.1 and 12.2 currently. We are planning on consolidating onto the Exadata.  

I am looking for suggestions for good training options. These options need to be low cost and online.  

Any ideas??  



Mladen Gogala 
Database Consultant 
Tel: (347) 321-1217


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