RE: Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table
Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2020 20:59:50 +0000
Message-ID: <>
function fu_count(p_cursor t_parallel_test_ref_cursor) RETURN t2_list PIPELINED PARALLEL_ENABLE(PARTITION p_cursor BY HASH(column_value)) IS
ret t2;
x VARCHAR2(33);
FETCH p_cursor INTO x;
exit when p_cursor%NOTFOUND;<;!!Jkho33Y!w1JYGGiqBHQ42f2zBi1qLYakaWuRcTJMLEK2e97Hiw8tye54siYMHHQONRltggJkdQ$> := fu_count_part(x);
PIPE ROW(ret);
END fu_count;
end pkg_test
And then this will return the total count:
SELECT count(*) FROM pkg_test.fu_count(CURSOR(SELECT /*+ parallel(t 16) */ partition_name COLUMN_VALUE FROM table_hold_all_partitions_name t),16);
If you really want to cut the query time to less than 10 minutes, just try getting the code above working.
Best regards
Betreff: Re: Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table
Datum: 2020-10-05T21:58:55+0200
Von: "Mladen Gogala" <<>>
An: "<>" <<>>, "Ashoke Mandal" <<>>
You can also try the following:
SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(16) */ 100000*count(*) FROM TABLE SAMPLE(0.001); That would give almost correct count of rows in the table. Accuracy would be similar to SELECT NUM_ROWS from USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME=<TABLE_NAME>;
BTW, has anyone played with APPROX_FOR_COUNT_DISTINCT parameter in 19c? Regards
On Mon, 2020-10-05 at 19:40 +0000, Reen, Elizabeth wrote:
Since it is partitioned, why don’t you just count each partition separately? Have you run stats on the old partitions? Assuming that prior years do not change, you should be able to get a count there. If you do an import, then you can get the number of rows from the log. A transportable tablespace, will not mount if there is something wrong.
Liz Reen
CPB Database Administration
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From: [<;!!Jkho33Y!w1JYGGiqBHQ42f2zBi1qLYakaWuRcTJMLEK2e97Hiw8tye54siYMHHQONRlaOO1SKg$>] Ashoke Mandal <<>>
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2020 3:14 PM
To: Reen, Elizabeth [ICG-IT]
Cc:<>;<>; list, oracle
Subject: Re: Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table
Hello Ahmed/Andy/Jackson/Mark/Gogala/Liz, Thanks for your response to my posting. Even though my question was how to improve the query time of a query to check row count in a big table, you have also brought up many good points related to cross platform migration.
Here is some information regarding my table: We have used transportable tablespace for data migration. The primary key consists of three columns (UT_ID, UT_SEQ, TEST_DATE). This table is partitioned by date and has one partition for every month. So, 12 partitions for every calendar year and has data for the last 20 years. After adding a parallel hint as described below the query time went down from 2.2 hours to 42 min. Let me know if you have any more recommendations to improve the query time for this select statement.
select /*+ parallel */ to_char(count(*), '999,999,999,999') from test_data;
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 10:40 AM Reen, Elizabeth <<>> wrote:
We just completed such a transition. We kept the Oracle version the same so we could see the impact of Linux. Transportable tablespaces was how we did it. We were able to move a 17 terabyte database in under 10 hours.
From: [External]<> <<>> On Behalf Of [External] Andy Sayer
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 3:09 PM
Cc: list, oracle;<>
Subject: Re: Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table
Just because a table has the same number of rows, it doesn’t mean it has the same data. With 108 billion rows, your data is going to be changing quickly, in order to get accurate counts at the right point in time you’re going to end up keeping your application offline for a window before and after your migration.
What you need to do is determine where you expect data to go missing and work out a way to check.
This will depend on how you’re doing your migration, I would suggest you use Cross-Platform Transportable Tablespaces (Doc Id 371556.1) as that would allow you to do a physical import and just convert the files to the right endianness. This starts by making sure all data has been written to your data files (so they can be read only on the source system). As you’re working with the physical data files rather than the logical data (rows in tables), the only way you’re going to loose rows is by corrupting your files. You can check for corruption using RMAN once you’ve imported the converted files. No need to count all your rows, and no need to hope that that’s all you need to compare.
Hope that helps,
On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 19:38,<> <<>> wrote:
Hi Ashoke,
could you send the execute plan of the query too? I think there is no general approach for that, it depends on several factors: whether the table has indexes (normal/bitmap) and in case the table has indexes the size of the table compared to the existing index...... But generally parallel processing should help.
Best regards
Betreff: Fastest way to count exact number of rows in a very large table
Datum: 2020-10-02T19:45:19+0200
Von: "Ashoke Mandal" <<>>
An: "ORACLE-L" <<>>
Dear All,
I have a table with 108 billion rows and migrating this database from Oracle 11g on Solaris to Oracle 12c on Linux.
After the migration I need to compare the row count of this table in both the source DB and the destination DB. It takes almost two hours to get the row count from this table.
SQL> select to_char(count(*), '999,999,999,999') from test_data;
Elapsed: 02:22:46.18
Could you please suggest some tips to get the row count faster so that it reduces the cut-over downtime.
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Mon Oct 05 2020 - 22:59:50 CEST