RE: Big Update/DML

From: Mark W. Farnham <>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 17:25:47 -0400
Message-ID: <09f601d67bef$777f9b20$667ed160$>

+42. For the vast majority of cases the method Tim proposes is the best way by light years. I also believe that Tim’s explanation of this topic is comprehensive and clear, as brief as it can be without leaving out important details, and significantly better than the second through nth best explanations of the topic. Make that +42^42. Seriously. For some things, there just is one completely best way to do it.  

IF there is a significant order by efficiency for common block extraction in the subsequent frequently run or most time of completion important queries when you are done, this method supports that seamlessly. But physically ordering the contents of the partitions is just a bell or whistle on this Beethoven’s ninth symphony of a method.  

Best wishes,  


From: [] On Behalf Of Tim Gorman Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 11:16 AM To:;; Subject: Re: Big Update/DML  

If you've got the patience, I offer a video HERE <> entitled "The Fastest UPDATE Is An INSERT" from Oak Table World 2012. If you prefer to read presentations or white papers instead of videos, then HERE <> and HERE <> cover much of the same topic, though not directly geared toward optimizing UPDATE operations as the video.

If you're lucky, those big tables that you want to update are partitioned already, and so you can just test and run the correction from partition to partition, a bit at a time.

If you're unlucky, those big tables that you want to update are not partitioned, so here is your chance to correct that, to create a new partitioned table, besides correcting the data errors.

The first time I used this technique, with Oracle 8.0 back in 1997, we updated a few columns on a multi-billion row range-partitioned table in a single afternoon, including dreaming it up and testing first.

On 8/26/2020 7:30 AM, Reen, Elizabeth (Redacted sender elizabeth.reen for DMARC) wrote:

Be careful with how you do parallelism. Done correctly it will speed things up. Done incorrectly and you will have a locking nightmare. Are you updating the columns with the same value? If so, the default value option might be very useful.  


From: [] <> <> On Behalf Of [] Sanjay Mishra Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 11:29 PM
Subject: Big Update/DML  

Hi Everyone  

I am working on 19c and need to do one time update on multiple tables containing 3-4 Billions records and some tables are Compressed for OLTP and some are uncompressed. Tables have multiple columns but updating only one new column added with data from another column from the same table. Environment is on Exadata with Buffer Cache of 60G and CPU_count of 30  

Update using high Parallel DMl enabled are taking several hours to even a day per table and are using high UNDO  

  1. Does dropping index even the column updated has no relation to Indexed column can help the Elapsed time
  2. Does Compress table will help in this scenario vs uncompressed Table. Table size with compress for OLTP is around 800G and same kind of another table is 4 Tb without compression. Trying to see that if compression can help in using less IO or buffer cache from both Table and Index perspective
  3. Does adding more SGA or CPU can help in allocating more Parallel threads to reduce the Elapsed time

I was checking and found that dbms_parallel_execute can be good solution. Can someone update if they had used for Big Update and can share his sample code to try  

TIA Sanjay    

Received on Wed Aug 26 2020 - 23:25:47 CEST

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