Re: Need help with standby database REAL TIME APPLY
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 10:20:59 -0600
Message-ID: <>
I verified all online and standby logs are the same size on both the
primary and the standby. Unfortunately, we no longer have Oracle support.
My boss cancelled it earlier this year as a money saving strategy. We do
have support from Spinnaker, but they've been less than helpful the last 3
times I tried to get help from them. Guess that's my only option right
now. Worst case scenario, I wipe out the standby and start all over. I
was trying to avoid that scenario.
Thanks everyone for your help.
On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 10:13 AM Andrew Kerber <>
> Ok, kind of a shot in the dark, but look at the gv$standby_logfile view
> and make sure all the standby logs and redo logs are the same size. If
> thats not the issue, get with Oracle support, I cant think of anything
> else.
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 10:57 AM Sandra Becker <>
> wrote:
>> Stopped/started managed recovery. No change.
>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:48 AM Andrew Kerber <>
>> wrote:
>>> Now you might stop and start managed recovery and see if that helps.
>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 10:47 Sandra Becker <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> From the primary:
>>>> ** Online Redo **
>>>> ------- ------- ---------- --- ---------- --- -------------------------
>>>> -------------------
>>>> 1 11 29356 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>> 2018-10-06 22:31:22
>>>> 1 12 29354 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>> 2018-10-06 22:30:16
>>>> 2 14 187355 2 1024 NO CURRENT
>>>> 2020-07-28 15:30:01
>>>> 2 15 187354 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>> 2020-07-28 15:15:01
>>>> From the standby:
>>>> TYPE COUNT(*)
>>>> -------- ----------
>>>> ONLINE 8
>>>> STANDBY 20
>>>> Neil - I have the break on thread# set in my session. I did explicitly
>>>> use the THREAD 1 (or 2) when I added the standby redo logs to both the
>>>> primary and the standby. I also dropped the standby redo logs for THREAD 0.
>>>> Sandy
>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:00 AM Andrew Kerber <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Can you please send us the same output for the redo logs on the
>>>>> primary? (not the standby redo logs)?
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 9:31 AM Sandra Becker <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I have 5 SRLs for each thread, but the alert log still says "No
>>>>>> standby redo logfiles available for T-2".
>>>>>> SELECT
>>>>>> thread#,group#, sequence#, used, archived, status,
>>>>>> ROUND(bytes/1024/1024) mbytes, last_time
>>>>>> FROM v$standby_log
>>>>>> ORDER BY
>>>>>> thread#,
>>>>>> group#;
>>>>>> ------- ------- ---------- ---------- --- -------------------------
>>>>>> ---------- -------------------
>>>>>> 1 21 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 22 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 23 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 24 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 25 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 2 31 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 32 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 33 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 34 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> 35 0 0 YES UNASSIGNED
>>>>>> 1024
>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 8:08 AM Sandra Becker <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok, redoing the SRLs.
>>>>>>> Sandy
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 7:45 AM Andrew Kerber <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> You need one more srl per thread on the standby than primary redo
>>>>>>>> logs. Ie, if you have 4 redo logs per thread on the primary you need at
>>>>>>>> least 5 standby redo logs per thread.
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2020 at 8:41 AM Sandra Becker <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I added 6 more standby redo log groups to thread 2. Didn't make
>>>>>>>>> any difference. Still seeing the message "RFS[8]: No standby redo logfiles
>>>>>>>>> available for T-2". Today's dgmgrl output:
>>>>>>>>> Database Role: Physical standby database
>>>>>>>>> Primary Database: UTILS
>>>>>>>>> Ready for Switchover: No
>>>>>>>>> Ready for Failover: Yes (Primary Running)
>>>>>>>>> Capacity Information:
>>>>>>>>> Database Instances Threads
>>>>>>>>> UTILS 1 2
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 1 1
>>>>>>>>> Warning: the target standby has fewer instances than the
>>>>>>>>> primary database, this may impact application performance
>>>>>>>>> Temporary Tablespace File Information:
>>>>>>>>> UTILS TEMP Files: 1
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 TEMP Files: 1
>>>>>>>>> Flashback Database Status:
>>>>>>>>> UTILS: Off
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1: Off
>>>>>>>>> Data file Online Move in Progress:
>>>>>>>>> UTILS: No
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1: No
>>>>>>>>> Standby Apply-Related Information:
>>>>>>>>> Apply State: Running
>>>>>>>>> Apply Lag: 2 minutes 9 seconds (computed 15 seconds ago)
>>>>>>>>> Apply Delay: 0 minutes
>>>>>>>>> Transport-Related Information:
>>>>>>>>> Transport On: Yes
>>>>>>>>> Gap Status: No Gap
>>>>>>>>> Transport Lag: 2 minutes 9 seconds (computed 15 seconds
>>>>>>>>> ago)
>>>>>>>>> Transport Status: Success
>>>>>>>>> Log Files Cleared:
>>>>>>>>> UTILS Standby Redo Log Files: Cleared
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 Online Redo Log Files: Cleared
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 Standby Redo Log Files: Available
>>>>>>>>> Current Log File Groups Configuration:
>>>>>>>>> Thread # Online Redo Log Groups Standby Redo Log Groups
>>>>>>>>> Status
>>>>>>>>> (UTILS) (UTILS_DB1)
>>>>>>>>> 0 22 0
>>>>>>>>> Insufficient SRLs
>>>>>>>>> Warning: standby redo logs not configured for thread 0 on
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1
>>>>>>>>> 1 2 4
>>>>>>>>> Sufficient SRLs
>>>>>>>>> Future Log File Groups Configuration:
>>>>>>>>> Thread # Online Redo Log Groups Standby Redo Log Groups
>>>>>>>>> Status
>>>>>>>>> (UTILS_DB1) (UTILS)
>>>>>>>>> 1 3 4
>>>>>>>>> Sufficient SRLs
>>>>>>>>> Current Configuration Log File Sizes:
>>>>>>>>> Thread # Smallest Online Redo Smallest Standby Redo
>>>>>>>>> Log File Size Log File Size
>>>>>>>>> (UTILS) (UTILS_DB1)
>>>>>>>>> 1 1024 MBytes 1024 MBytes
>>>>>>>>> Future Configuration Log File Sizes:
>>>>>>>>> Thread # Smallest Online Redo Smallest Standby Redo
>>>>>>>>> Log File Size Log File Size
>>>>>>>>> (UTILS_DB1) (UTILS)
>>>>>>>>> 1 1024 MBytes 1024 MBytes
>>>>>>>>> Apply-Related Property Settings:
>>>>>>>>> Property UTILS Value
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 Value
>>>>>>>>> DelayMins 0 0
>>>>>>>>> ApplyParallel AUTO AUTO
>>>>>>>>> Transport-Related Property Settings:
>>>>>>>>> Property UTILS Value
>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 Value
>>>>>>>>> LogXptMode ASYNC ASYNC
>>>>>>>>> RedoRoutes <empty>
>>>>>>>>> <empty>
>>>>>>>>> Dependency <empty>
>>>>>>>>> <empty>
>>>>>>>>> DelayMins 0 0
>>>>>>>>> Binding optional
>>>>>>>>> optional
>>>>>>>>> MaxFailure 0 0
>>>>>>>>> MaxConnections 1 1
>>>>>>>>> ReopenSecs 300 300
>>>>>>>>> NetTimeout 30 30
>>>>>>>>> RedoCompression DISABLE
>>>>>>>>> DISABLE
>>>>>>>>> LogShipping ON ON
>>>>>>>>> Automatic Diagnostic Repository Errors:
>>>>>>>>> Error UTILS UTILS_DB1
>>>>>>>>> No logging operation NO NO
>>>>>>>>> Control file corruptions NO NO
>>>>>>>>> SRL Group Unavailable NO NO
>>>>>>>>> System data file missing NO NO
>>>>>>>>> System data file corrupted NO NO
>>>>>>>>> System data file offline NO NO
>>>>>>>>> User data file missing NO NO
>>>>>>>>> User data file corrupted NO NO
>>>>>>>>> User data file offline NO NO
>>>>>>>>> Sandy
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 10:45 PM Leng Burgess <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sandra,
>>>>>>>>>> Given that you have 2 primary instances (each with 4 redo
>>>>>>>>>> groups), you need to create 2x4=8+2 standby redo logs.
>>>>>>>>>> So try adding 6 more add more standby redo log groups.
>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know how it goes.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Leng.
>>>>>>>>>> On 28 Jul 2020, at 7:10 am, Sandra Becker <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> OS: RHEL6
>>>>>>>>>> Oracle: EE
>>>>>>>>>> Primary: RAC
>>>>>>>>>> Standby: Single instance
>>>>>>>>>> We are moving our 2-node RAC database to a single instance
>>>>>>>>>> primary-standby configuration. We have only 1 instance running; we are not
>>>>>>>>>> using both nodes. I am trying to create the first standby and ensure it's
>>>>>>>>>> syncing with Real Time Apply before proceeding. I have created the standby
>>>>>>>>>> database, but can't seem to manage to get it to actually use REAL TIME
>>>>>>>>>> APPLY. It says it started managed recover with Real Time Apply in the
>>>>>>>>>> alert log, but then I see it's not using the SRLs I added. I've looked at
>>>>>>>>>> several blogs and docs in MOS as well, and still have not been able to get
>>>>>>>>>> it to recognize the SRLs. It will ship and apply the log if we do a log
>>>>>>>>>> switch, but our DR policy is to use RTA. I created SRLs without the THREAD
>>>>>>>>>> parameter and it created them for thread 0. That didn't work for me so I
>>>>>>>>>> created SRLs for thread 1 and 2. The alert log says there are not standby
>>>>>>>>>> redo logfiles available for T-2. I also ensured the size matched the
>>>>>>>>>> primary online redo. Do I need more SRLs for T-2 and none for T-0 and
>>>>>>>>>> T-1? Completely lost and confused at this point. I could really use some
>>>>>>>>>> help figuring out where I went wrong.
>>>>>>>>>> *Primary Queries*
>>>>>>>>>> *select dest_id, status, recovery_mode, dest_name from
>>>>>>>>>> v$archive_dest_status where dest_id = 2;*
>>>>>>>>>> ---------- ---------- ----------------------- ------------------
>>>>>>>>>> *SELECT l.inst_id,, l.thread#, l.sequence#,
>>>>>>>>>> l.members, l.bytes/1024/1024 mbytes, l.archived, l.status, l.first_timeFROM
>>>>>>>>>> gv$log lORDER BY l.thread#,*
>>>>>>>>>> FIRST_TIME
>>>>>>>>>> ------- ------- ------- ---------- --- ---------- --- ----------
>>>>>>>>>> -------------------
>>>>>>>>>> 2 10 1 29353 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>>>>>>>> 2018-10-06 16:02:40
>>>>>>>>>> 2 11 29356 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>>>>>>>> 2018-10-06 22:31:22
>>>>>>>>>> 2 12 29354 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>>>>>>>> 2018-10-06 22:30:16
>>>>>>>>>> 2 13 2 187312 2 1024 NO CURRENT
>>>>>>>>>> 2020-07-27 20:30:25
>>>>>>>>>> 2 14 187310 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>>>>>>>> 2020-07-27 20:14:09
>>>>>>>>>> 2 15 187311 2 1024 YES INACTIVE
>>>>>>>>>> 2020-07-27 20:15:54
>>>>>>>>>> *Standby Queries*
>>>>>>>>>> *select thread#, group#, sequence#, round(bytes/1024/1024) bytes,
>>>>>>>>>> status from v$standby_log;*
>>>>>>>>>> ------- ------- ---------- ---------- -----------
>>>>>>>>>> 0 10 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 0 11 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 0 12 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 0 13 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 1 20 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 1 21 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 1 22 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 1 23 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 2 24 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 2 25 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 2 26 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> 2 27 0 1024 UNASSIGNED
>>>>>>>>>> *dgmgrl*
>>>>>>>>>> DGMGRL> *validate database 'UTILS_DB1';*
>>>>>>>>>> Database Role: Physical standby database
>>>>>>>>>> Primary Database: UTILS
>>>>>>>>>> Ready for Switchover: No
>>>>>>>>>> Ready for Failover: Yes (Primary Running)
>>>>>>>>>> Capacity Information:
>>>>>>>>>> Database Instances Threads
>>>>>>>>>> UTILS 1 2
>>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1 1 1
>>>>>>>>>> Warning: the target standby has fewer instances than the
>>>>>>>>>> primary database, this may impact application performance
>>>>>>>>>> Flashback Database Status:
>>>>>>>>>> UTILS: Off
>>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1: Off
>>>>>>>>>> Standby Apply-Related Information:
>>>>>>>>>> Apply State: Running
>>>>>>>>>> Apply Lag: 27 minutes 18 seconds (computed 56 seconds
>>>>>>>>>> ago)
>>>>>>>>>> Apply Delay: 0 minutes
>>>>>>>>>> Current Log File Groups Configuration:
>>>>>>>>>> Thread # Online Redo Log Groups Standby Redo Log Groups
>>>>>>>>>> Status
>>>>>>>>>> (UTILS) (UTILS_DB1)
>>>>>>>>>> 0 12 4
>>>>>>>>>> Insufficient SRLs
>>>>>>>>>> 1 3 0
>>>>>>>>>> Insufficient SRLs
>>>>>>>>>> Warning: standby redo logs not configured for thread 1 on
>>>>>>>>>> UTILS_DB1
>>>>>>>>>> *Alert Log Excerpt*
>>>>>>>>>> Starting background process MRP0
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:50 2020
>>>>>>>>>> MRP0 started with pid=28, OS id=423445
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:50 2020
>>>>>>>>>> MRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process started
>>>>>>>>>> (UTILS_DB1)
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:55 2020
>>>>>>>>>> Started logmerger process
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:55 2020
>>>>>>>>>> Managed Standby Recovery starting Real Time Apply
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:55 2020
>>>>>>>>>> Parallel Media Recovery started with 10 slaves
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:55 2020
>>>>>>>>>> Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived...
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:55 2020
>>>>>>>>>> All non-current ORLs have been archived.
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:28:55 2020
>>>>>>>>>> Media Recovery Waiting for thread 2 sequence 187311 (in transit)
>>>>>>>>>> Completed: alter database recover managed standby database
>>>>>>>>>> disconnect
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:29:43 2020
>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>> Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode
>>>>>>>>>> RFS[8]: Assigned to RFS process (PID:423753)
>>>>>>>>>> RFS[8]: No standby redo logfiles available for T-2
>>>>>>>>>> RFS[8]: Opened log for thread 2 sequence 187312 dbid 3599144416
>>>>>>>>>> branch 818022052
>>>>>>>>>> Mon Jul 27 20:30:27 2020
>>>>>>>>>> Media Recovery Waiting for thread 2 sequence 187312 (in transit)
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Sandy B.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Sandy B.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Andrew W. Kerber
>>>>>>>> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Sandy B.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sandy B.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Andrew W. Kerber
>>>>> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
>>>> --
>>>> Sandy B.
>>>> --
>>> Andrew W. Kerber
>>> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
>> --
>> Sandy B.
> --
> Andrew W. Kerber
> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
-- Sandy B. -- on Tue Jul 28 2020 - 18:20:59 CEST