Re: Block size qn
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2020 08:25:14 +0200
Message-ID: <>
> In the absence of simultaneous updates and inserts, for a typical DW type
> database with nightly loads and queries by day, it looks like16K is
> probably a better choice.
> Esp, if there are cases where the rows do not fit in one block, this is
> very useful. Thank you
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 6:50 PM Orlando L <> wrote:
>> *THAT* clears up my confusion very well. Thanks a lot Mark.
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 3:02 PM Mark J. Bobak <> wrote:
>>> Hi Orlando,
>>> In terms of block-level contention, we are referring the the Interested
>>> Transaction List (ITL) and the number of ITL entries per block. The
>>> default for ITL entries is 1 for table blocks and 2 for index blocks. You
>>> can increase the INITRANS value, but it will cost you 24 bytes per ITL
>>> entry. So, if you have a table that has 10 rows per block, but you only
>>> have 3 ITL entries per block, then you could end up with block-level
>>> contention due to the shortage of ITL entries. Note that a row that is
>>> being updated points to an ITL entry, and that ITL entry in turn points to
>>> the transaction's UNDO. So, the larger the number of different
>>> transactions that are interested in the data in a particular block, the
>>> higher the chance of block-level contention.
>>> Note that even if you're at the default of 1 ITL entry for a given
>>> table, Oracle will automatically grow the ITL (dynamically add entries) as
>>> needed, as long as there is free space available in the block. So, if you
>>> have plenty of free space in the block, no worries. But ,if you have
>>> blocks with tightly packed rows and didn't plan ahead with additional ITL
>>> slots, you could end up with ITL waits. (Note that on table blocks, only
>>> update and deletes suffer from ITL waits, not inserts, but this is not true
>>> for indexes. An insert on an index must go to a specific block, so, if
>>> there's an ITL shortage, indexes are always subject to ITL waits.
>>> -Mark
>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 3:18 PM Orlando L <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks again.
>>>> "If it's transactional (OLTP) with simultaneous inserts and updates
>>>> from many processes, then the increased number of rows per blocks
>>>> comes into play." If we are having, say 10 insert/updates happening to one
>>>> 8K block, then with a 16K block, there could be 20 insert/updates. If that
>>>> is the case, what is 'contention'? Underneath an oracle block are
>>>> multiple OS blocks (512b or 1K blocksize?). Plus locking also should
>>>> not be an issue since locks are at the row level. Trying to understand,
>>>> thank you for your time in advance.
>>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:57 PM Neil Chandler <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Orlando,
>>>>> The contention relates to DML (not queries) on the blocks so it would
>>>>> depend on how data is populated.
>>>>> - If it's bulk loads and manipulations there is less opportunity
>>>>> for a problem.
>>>>> - If it's transactional (OLTP) with simultaneous inserts and
>>>>> updates from many processes, then the increased number of rows per blocks
>>>>> comes into play. The more rows per leaf block, the more opportunity for
>>>>> contention in this scenario.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Neil.
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* <>
>>>>> on behalf of Orlando L <>
>>>>> *Sent:* 11 June 2020 18:29
>>>>> *To:* <>
>>>>> *Cc:* Mladen Gogala <>; Oracle L <
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Block size qn
>>>>> Thank you all. I am not talking about mixing 8K and 16K. It is either
>>>>> one or the other. Looks like we have less to worry about row chaining with
>>>>> 16K where data for one row cannot fit in a 8K block. I read the
>>>>> link provided by Jonathan. It looks like 16K are tested thoroughly by
>>>>> Oracle corp ("thoroughly tested just like 8k blocks"). No reason not to
>>>>> consider 16K if that is going to be the only size used in the DB. It will
>>>>> be a typical DW with loads in the nights and queries during days.
>>>>> Neil, can you please explain "Larger block sizes will increase index
>>>>> block contention". Why would there be contention for an index block? If the
>>>>> data in the index blocks are accessed frequently, wouldn't the chances of
>>>>> the index blocks being cached go up, hence producing better results. I
>>>>> think the assumption here is that the index blocks can contain way more
>>>>> 'rows' than data blocks. If the individual rows in the index blocks are
>>>>> accessed simultaneously and if they are in memory, how would there be
>>>>> contention? Is it because in DW the queries are typically performing range
>>>>> scans and multiple queries could be doing range scans simultaneously on
>>>>> frequently accessed blocks. If that is the case, if there are 2 queries
>>>>> accessing the same block and if they are both readers, can they not read
>>>>> the block simultaneously? Am I understanding this correctly
>>>>> Thanks for your time.
>>>>> Orlando
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:05 AM Jonathan Lewis <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> A critical reference document about blocksizes is this one from Roger
>>>>> McNical (Mr. Tablescan):
>>>>> Read it all, but here's an important pair of myth-buster points:
>>>>> 1. A quick scan of the data layer regression tests showed a very
>>>>> large number running on 16k blocks
>>>>> 2. Oracle typically runs it DW stress tests on 16k blocks
>>>>> From my own experience:
>>>>> a) There are a couple of boundary cases where a 16KB or 32KB block
>>>>> size has a negative effect (typically due to bugs)
>>>>> b) Using multiple block sizes in a single database is probably
>>>>> sub-optimal - but it is possible to find special cases.
>>>>> c) For RAC systems a block size that fits a single message on the
>>>>> interconnect is a nice idea
>>>>> d) Creating realistic tests of the effects of different block sizes is
>>>>> very hard and very time-consuming
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Jonathan Lewis
>>>>> On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:24 AM Mladen Gogala <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Also, Oracle software is tested on 8K database so a 16K specific bug
>>>>> may remain undiscovered until the lucky DBA in search of an adventure
>>>>> discovers it on his production database. Then the life will turn into the
>>>>> support nightmare on the elm street. However, if you have a non-Exadata box
>>>>> with huge amount of memory and fast flash storage that can read more than
>>>>> 1MB in one operation, then I would consider 16K.
>>>>> On 6/10/20 8:37 PM, Herring, Dave (Redacted sender HerringD for DMARC)
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> We have a medium db (about 80TB) sitting on a 4-node X-8 system.
>>>>> Oracle reviewed performance as part of our move from X-4 system and one of
>>>>> their recommendations was to move to an 8K block size (currently it's
>>>>> 16K). Their reasoning? When you use a non-8K block size on Exadata you
>>>>> bypass various optimizations that Exadata could perform. Unfortunately
>>>>> they didn't elaborate on what those optimizations are related to 8K block
>>>>> size and we didn't have a downtime window that would allow us to change the
>>>>> block size. Still, if you're on Exadata it's something to factor.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Dave
>>>>> *From:* <>
>>>>> <> *On Behalf Of *Neil Chandler
>>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, June 10, 2020 11:09 AM
>>>>> *To:*;
>>>>> *Subject:* Re: Block size qn
>>>>> *CAUTION:* This email originated from outside of D&B. Please do not
>>>>> click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know
>>>>> the content is safe.
>>>>> General rule of thumb: stick with 8k unless you have a very good
>>>>> reason, and have tested and proven that 16k provides tangible benefits over
>>>>> 8k.
>>>>> Larger block sizes will increase index block contention but may reduce
>>>>> block chaining and is generally better for LOBs.
>>>>> The overriding reason not to use 32K block sizes: Oracle standard
>>>>> regression tests do not test 32K block sizes. It mostly tests 8K with some
>>>>> 16K testing. For this reason alone, I'd avoid 32k block sizes - they aren't
>>>>> testing their code against it.
>>>>> You probably shouldn't mix block sizes in the same database.
>>>>> Of course, your milage may vary. Test test test. Then stick with 8k 🙂
>>>>> Neil Chandler
>>>>> Database Guy
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> *From:* <>
>>>>> <> on behalf of Orlando L
>>>>> <> <>
>>>>> *Sent:* 10 June 2020 16:14
>>>>> *To:* <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> *Subject:* Block size qn
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We are in planning stages for a big DW. Do any of the listers have a
>>>>> block size bigger than the default 8k in their site? Is there a need for
>>>>> anything like that? Any advantages or pitfalls?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Orlando
>>>>> --
>>>>> Mladen Gogala
>>>>> Database Consultant
>>>>> Tel: (347) 321-1217
-- on Sat Jun 13 2020 - 08:25:14 CEST