Re: Block size qn
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2020 17:57:15 +0000
Message-ID: <DB7PR10MB209002E3D96B7AD924001F4C85800_at_DB7PR10MB2090.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
The contention relates to DML (not queries) on the blocks so it would depend on how data is populated.
Thank you all. I am not talking about mixing 8K and 16K. It is either one or the other. Looks like we have less to worry about row chaining with 16K where data for one row cannot fit in a 8K block. I read the link provided by Jonathan. It looks like 16K are tested thoroughly by Oracle corp ("thoroughly tested just like 8k blocks"). No reason not to consider 16K if that is going to be the only size used in the DB. It will be a typical DW with loads in the nights and queries during days.
Neil, can you please explain "Larger block sizes will increase index block contention". Why would there be contention for an index block? If the data in the index blocks are accessed frequently, wouldn't the chances of the index blocks being cached go up, hence producing better results. I think the assumption here is that the index blocks can contain way more 'rows' than data blocks. If the individual rows in the index blocks are accessed simultaneously and if they are in memory, how would there be contention? Is it because in DW the queries are typically performing range scans and multiple queries could be doing range scans simultaneously on frequently accessed blocks. If that is the case, if there are 2 queries accessing the same block and if they are both readers, can they not read the block simultaneously? Am I understanding this correctly
Thanks for your time.
On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:05 AM Jonathan Lewis <<>> wrote:
A critical reference document about blocksizes is this one from Roger McNical (Mr. Tablescan):
Read it all, but here's an important pair of myth-buster points:
From my own experience:
On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 4:24 AM Mladen Gogala <<>> wrote:
Also, Oracle software is tested on 8K database so a 16K specific bug may remain undiscovered until the lucky DBA in search of an adventure discovers it on his production database. Then the life will turn into the support nightmare on the elm street. However, if you have a non-Exadata box with huge amount of memory and fast flash storage that can read more than 1MB in one operation, then I would consider 16K.
On 6/10/20 8:37 PM, Herring, Dave (Redacted sender HerringD for DMARC) wrote:
We have a medium db (about 80TB) sitting on a 4-node X-8 system. Oracle reviewed performance as part of our move from X-4 system and one of their recommendations was to move to an 8K block size (currently it's 16K). Their reasoning? When you use a non-8K block size on Exadata you bypass various optimizations that Exadata could perform. Unfortunately they didn't elaborate on what those optimizations are related to 8K block size and we didn't have a downtime window that would allow us to change the block size. Still, if you're on Exadata it's something to factor.
From: <> on behalf of Orlando L <>
Sent: 11 June 2020 18:29
To: <>
Cc: Mladen Gogala <>; Oracle L <>
Subject: Re: Block size qn
a) There are a couple of boundary cases where a 16KB or 32KB block size has a negative effect (typically due to bugs)
b) Using multiple block sizes in a single database is probably sub-optimal - but it is possible to find special cases.
c) For RAC systems a block size that fits a single message on the interconnect is a nice idea
d) Creating realistic tests of the effects of different block sizes is very hard and very time-consuming
Jonathan Lewis
From:<> <><> On Behalf Of Neil Chandler Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2020 11:09 AM To:<>;<> Subject: Re: Block size qn
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General rule of thumb: stick with 8k unless you have a very good reason, and have tested and proven that 16k provides tangible benefits over 8k.
Larger block sizes will increase index block contention but may reduce block chaining and is generally better for LOBs.
The overriding reason not to use 32K block sizes: Oracle standard regression tests do not test 32K block sizes. It mostly tests 8K with some 16K testing. For this reason alone, I'd avoid 32k block sizes - they aren't testing their code against it.
You probably shouldn't mix block sizes in the same database.
Of course, your milage may vary. Test test test. Then stick with 8k 🙂
Neil Chandler
Database Guy
From:<> <><> on behalf of Orlando L <><>
Sent: 10 June 2020 16:14
To:<> <><>
Subject: Block size qn
We are in planning stages for a big DW. Do any of the listers have a block size bigger than the default 8k in their site? Is there a need for anything like that? Any advantages or pitfalls?
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Thu Jun 11 2020 - 19:57:15 CEST