Re: Anyone using any nifty products to generate a Sales Demo environment off live data?
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 23:05:13 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Hi Chris!
While I was with Commvault, I was working on a data masking tool. I am
not a programmer, so I was testing it and reviewing it. It was a neat
tool, rather fast. Here is the relevant page:
The tool itself is written in Java, so it's platform independent. As far
as I can remember, it required JDK 8. These days, it may work with Java
11. I don't work for Commault since the last April, so my information is
quickly becoming irrelevant.
On 6/10/20 12:37 PM, Chris Taylor wrote:
> So we have a 130TB production db for a lot of our Products that we sell.
> We have a Demo env that we use dbms_datapump to subset portions of the
> data into the Demo DB.
> Now we've got products in multiple DBs and the business is wanting to
> create demo environments for all those product lines.
> I'm curious if anyone on this list has a product in their Org that
> facilitates building demo environments off live data .
> We tried Oracle's data masking tool but that has severe drawbacks
> (shortcomings) so we gave up on that (but might have to revisit)
> Thanks,
> Chris
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
Received on Thu Jun 11 2020 - 05:05:13 CEST