Re: CTAS generates huge LC Object

From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 11:56:23 +0100
Message-ID: <>


The complexity of the query used to create the table may be the clue on this one.
Three possible thoughts - if you can find it: a) Does it involve an interval partitioned table being created (doesn't look that way from the 'create table ...' text you've left in the trace output
b) Does it involve long IN lists, or a number of union alls c) The dependencies include a few function names - maybe there's some anomaly with Oracle handling of those that accumulate memory against the CTAS that would normally belong to the functions.

Jonathan Lewis

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:47 AM Martin Klier - Performing Databases GmbH <> wrote:

> Hi Nenad,
> wow, thanks, interesting.
> We don't fit the profile of your post exactly, since here it's not TCHK,
> instead I have SQLA, but I will try if an "insert select distinct *"
> behaves better.
> Thanks again.
> --
> Martin Klier // Performing Databases GmbH
> Managing Partner // Senior DB Consultant
> Oracle ACE Director
> //
> ------------------------------
> *Von: *"Noveljic Nenad" <>
> *An: *"Martin Klier" <>, "Oracle-L
> Freelists" <>
> *Gesendet: *Dienstag, 28. April 2020 11:36:20
> *Betreff: *RE: CTAS generates huge LC Object
> The query not showing up in Statspack might indicate that the allocations
> were temporary during optimization/parsing. I’ve seen large TCHK
> allocations with create table as select, see
> Those allocations have been becoming larger with every new Oracle version,
> so typically we started seeing them after the upgrades.
> created an empty table and populating it with insert/select might be a
> workaround for the most serious issues.
> Best regards,
> Nenad
> *From:* <> *On
> Behalf Of *Martin Klier - Performing Databases GmbH
> *Sent:* Dienstag, 28. April 2020 11:20
> *To:* Oracle-L Freelists <>
> *Subject:* CTAS generates huge LC Object
> Hi Listers,
> yet another Library Cache issue...
> Due to _kgl_large_heap_warning_threshold one "create table as select"
> causes a trace file for its big LC object. (The warning is great, because
> we have had memory issues at this point anyway.)
> In the trace file, I can see a data block allocating much memory:
> Block: #='6' name=SQLA^83a0bff2 pins=0 Change=NONE
> Heap=000007FF55229758 Pointer=000007FF17BD9BE8
> Extent=000007FF17BD8FA8 Flags=I/-/P/A/-/E
> FreedLocation=0 *Alloc=153032.242188 Size=153034.656250*
> LoadTime=0
> Whenever I look, we don't have this cursor in the cache, so all v$ views
> are useless for me at the moment.
> It does not even show up in the STATSPACK "SQL ordered by Sharable Memory"
> lists.
> See the whole second part of the trace and some additional infos after the
> signature.
> Now the big question is:
> How do I find out why this one is getting so big? What can I (or most
> likely, the developer) change to make it smaller?
> Thanks for any ideas.
> --
> Martin Klier // Performing Databases GmbH
> Managing Partner // Senior DB Consultant
> Oracle ACE Director
> //
> Background info:
> Alert Log:
> Memory Notification: Library Cache Object loaded into SGA
> Heap size 153034K exceeds notification threshold (51200K)
> Details in trace file <bla>prod_ora_4472.trc
> KGL object name :Create table MadAdmasTemp as select distinct * from <bla>
> Oracle Database 11g Release - 64bit Production
> Windows NT Version V6.1 Service Pack 1
> CPU : 4 - type 8664, 4 Physical Cores
> Process Affinity : 0x0x0000000000000000
> Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:7695M/16383M, Ph+PgF:23455M/32765M
> VM name : VMWare Version (6)
> Instance name: xyz
> Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
> <...>
> *** 2020-04-27 19:35:25.963
> *** SESSION ID:(39.22855) 2020-04-27 19:35:25.963
> *** CLIENT ID:() 2020-04-27 19:35:25.963
> *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2020-04-27 19:35:25.963
> *** MODULE NAME:(JDBC Thin Client) 2020-04-27 19:35:25.963
> *** ACTION NAME:() 2020-04-27 19:35:25.963
> Memory Notification: Library Cache Object loaded into SGA
> Heap size 153034K exceeds notification threshold (51200K)
> LibraryHandle: Address=000007FF66FF19E0 Hash=83a0bff2 LockMode=N
> PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
> ObjectName: Name=Create table MadAdmasTemp as select distinct * from
> <bla>
> FullHashValue=a48476d0ac28b36c2e3d594583a0bff2 Namespace=SQL AREA(00)
> Type=CURSOR(00) Identifier=2208350194 OwnerIdn=51
> Statistics: InvalidationCount=0 ExecutionCount=0 LoadCount=2
> ActiveLocks=1 TotalLockCount=1 TotalPinCount=1
> Counters: BrokenCount=1 RevocablePointer=1 KeepDependency=1 Version=0
> BucketInUse=0 HandleInUse=0 HandleReferenceCount=0
> Concurrency: DependencyMutex=000007FF66FF1A90(0, 1, 0, 0)
> Mutex=000007FF66FF1B20(39, 25, 0, 6)
> Flags=RON/PIN/TIM/PN0/DBN/[10012841]
> <...>
> LibraryHandle: Address=000007FF6B2631D0 Hash=0 LockMode=N PinMode=X
> LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
> Name: Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00)
> Statistics: InvalidationCount=0 ExecutionCount=0 LoadCount=1
> ActiveLocks=1 TotalLockCount=1 TotalPinCount=2
> Counters: BrokenCount=1 RevocablePointer=1 KeepDependency=0 Version=0
> BucketInUse=0 HandleInUse=0 HandleReferenceCount=0
> Concurrency: DependencyMutex=000007FF6B263280(0, 1, 0, 0)
> Mutex=000007FF66FF1B20(39, 26, 0, 6)
> Flags=RON/PIN/PN0/EXP/CHD/[10012111]
> WaitersLists:
> Lock=000007FF6B263260[000007FF6B263260,000007FF6B263260]
> Pin=000007FF6B263240[000007FF6B263240,000007FF6B263240]
> LoadLock=000007FF6B2632B8[000007FF6B2632B8,000007FF6B2632B8]
> ReferenceList:
> Reference: Address=000007FF55229988 Handle=000007FF66FF19E0
> Flags=CHL[02]
> LibraryObject: Address=000007FF448E2090 HeapMask=0000-0001-0001-0000
> Flags=EXS[0000] Flags2=[0000] PublicFlags=NST[0001]
> Dependencies: count='30' size='32' table='000007FF448E2EC8'
> Dependency: num='0'
> Reference=000007FF448E2648 Position=0 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6DE03730 Type=NONE(255) Parent=MYSCHEMA
> Dependency: num='1'
> Reference=000007FF448E26E0 Position=52 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6B131888 Type=VIEW(04) Parent=MYSCHEMA.V_ADMAS
> Dependency: num='2'
> Reference=000007FF448E2720 Position=186 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6CCD8230 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.AGACTIVITE
> Dependency: num='3'
> Reference=000007FF448E2760 Position=648 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6B3417A8 Type=VIEW(04)
> Dependency: num='4'
> Reference=000007FF448E27A0 Position=268 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF00175B90 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='5'
> Reference=000007FF448E27E0 Position=252 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF00136618 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.PROCEDURE
> Dependency: num='6'
> Reference=000007FF448E2820 Position=239 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6DF59858 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.PROCESSUS
> Dependency: num='7'
> Reference=000007FF448E2860 Position=647 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF66DA1B60 Type=VIEW(04) Parent=MYSCHEMA.V_PROCEDURE
> Dependency: num='8'
> Reference=000007FF448E28A0 Position=366 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6CCD2038 Type=VIEW(04) Parent=MYSCHEMA.HISTORIDS
> Dependency: num='9'
> Reference=000007FF448E28E0 Position=136 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6CCD1190 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='10'
> Reference=000007FF448E2920 Position=626 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF7B4B27A8 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='11'
> Reference=000007FF448E2960 Position=308 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6CD2FF10 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.ADRESSE
> Dependency: num='12'
> Reference=000007FF448E29A0 Position=2845 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6CD2D5C0 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.PERSONNE
> Dependency: num='13'
> Reference=000007FF448E29E0 Position=7 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6CD2C3F8 Type=FUNCTION(08)
> Dependency: num='14'
> Reference=000007FF448E2A20 Position=3257 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF7B500090 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.MADDOSSIER
> Dependency: num='15'
> Reference=000007FF448E2A60 Position=2344 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF7B4FFE70 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.MADMESURE
> Dependency: num='16'
> Reference=000007FF448E2AA0 Position=3180 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF7B4FFC50 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='17'
> Reference=000007FF448E2AE0 Position=2034 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF7B4FFA30 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='18'
> Reference=000007FF448E2B20 Position=4467 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF66FF17B0 Type=FUNCTION(08)
> Dependency: num='19'
> Reference=000007FF448E2B60 Position=4329 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF68DCBA70 Type=FUNCTION(08)
> Dependency: num='20'
> Reference=000007FF448E2BA0 Position=1268 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF66CCC958 Type=FUNCTION(08)
> Dependency: num='21'
> Reference=000007FF448E2BE0 Position=4429 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF68E32D08 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='22'
> Reference=000007FF448E2C20 Position=1788 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF00176418 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='23'
> Reference=000007FF448E2C60 Position=1774 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF001761F8 Type=TABLE(02) Parent=MYSCHEMA.ADMASDATA
> Dependency: num='24'
> Reference=000007FF448E2CA0 Position=9240 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF001B8C38 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='25'
> Reference=000007FF448E2CE0 Position=3289 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF001788B8 Type=VIEW(04) Parent=MYSCHEMA.V_ADRESSE
> Dependency: num='26'
> Reference=000007FF448E2D20 Position=3272 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF66FF1590 Type=VIEW(04) Parent=MYSCHEMA.V_PERSONNE
> Dependency: num='27'
> Reference=000007FF40B990A8 Position=0 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF7B4960C0 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='28'
> Reference=000007FF40B990E8 Position=0 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF66D5F5E8 Type=TABLE(02)
> Dependency: num='29'
> Reference=000007FF40B99128 Position=0 Flags=DEP[0001]
> Handle=000007FF6DF391D8 Type=PACKAGE(09) Parent=SYS.STANDARD
> ReadOnlyDependencies: count='1' size='16'
> ReadDependency: num='0' Table=000007FF448E2F60
> Reference=000007FF448E2548 Handle=000007FF6CD43B58 Flags=DEP/ROD/KPP[61]
> Accesses: count='2' size='16'
> Dependency: num='2' Type=0009
> Dependency: num='1' Type=0009
> DataBlocks:
> Block: #='0' name=KGLH0^83a0bff2 pins=0 Change=NONE
> Heap=000007FF6CEBC0D0 Pointer=000007FF448E2130
> Extent=000007FF448E2010 Flags=I/-/P/A/-/-
> FreedLocation=0 Alloc=12.929688 Size=15.820313 LoadTime=3667233912
> Block: #='6' name=SQLA^83a0bff2 pins=0 Change=NONE
> Heap=000007FF55229758 Pointer=000007FF17BD9BE8
> Extent=000007FF17BD8FA8 Flags=I/-/P/A/-/E
> FreedLocation=0 *Alloc=153032.242188 Size=153034.656250*
> LoadTime=0
> NamespaceDump:
> Child Cursor: Heap0=000007FF448E2130 Heap6=000007FF17BD9BE8 Heap0
> Load Time=04-27-2020 19:35:07 Heap6 Load Time=04-27-2020 19:35:07
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Received on Tue Apr 28 2020 - 12:56:23 CEST

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