RE: [EXTERNAL] MySQL auditing and tracing options

From: Khan, Muhammad <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 14:40:28 +0000
Message-ID: <>

You are very limited if you are relying on community ed. You can forget auditing till then.

You still have general log which can give you query data etc so just take a deeper dive in that

Btw enterprise license is one of the least expensive (around $3K), very often companies don’t know that and that’s why keep trying to avoid it.


From: [] On Behalf Of Chris King Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 10:35 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] MySQL auditing and tracing options

External Email. Use Caution.
I'm new to MySQL (but not Oracle). I have a very complex system where data comes in and out and is shared between multiple applications. I would like to trace the data thru the system to help diagnose a severe performance issue. If in Oracle, I'd use auditing and tracing. I'm looking for something similar in MySQL. So far I've found that MySQL Enterprise Edition commercial editions has an audit add-on. But we don't use this edition. We don't want to add triggers because the reason I want to trace is to nail down a serious performance issue, and triggers will make that worse.

What other options are there for auditing and tracing in MySQL? Thanks in advance!

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-- Received on Fri Mar 20 2020 - 15:40:28 CET

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