RE: Oracle user based license question
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 18:00:43 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hi Vinay,
Have you thought about an after logon trigger to count sessions and raise application error if there are already 50 connections? Make sure you don’t count background session. You could use v_session to accomplish this.
From: <> On Behalf Of Vinay Kumar Narisetty Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 1:38 PM To: oracle-l-freelist <> Subject: Oracle user based license question
Hi All,
We recently purchase Oracle Enterprise edition processor license for production and for TEST we purchase oracle enterprise user based license.
1.For example, in over production system the database users count is 200 and when I refresh production database with TEST do I get out of compliance because we have purchase only 50 user license for TEST?
2.50 user base license means each database instance must consist of 50 users ?
Business users never login to over TEST system. Only IT testing is done on all over TEST system.When I refresh PROD with TEST I can delete all business user and keep IT users.Is there any parameter I can limit 50 users for database instance for TEST?
Any one using user based license for TEST and Process based license in PRODUCTION. What issue you have seen . If you seen any oracle auditing issue in this scenario please provide us that is very helpful.
Thank you everyone!
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Vinay Narisetty