***UNCHECKED*** Doubt related to the _optimizer_adaptive_plans hint

From: Eriovaldo Andrietta <ecandrietta_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 13:39:16 -0300
Message-ID: <CAJdDhaMsZhXzEs-o=Ghxb4Bw0b3sM1owCOXDwr7+NqgX2QTcig_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi all,

I have na application that generate dynamics sql statments and uses bind variable.
It run connect at Oracle 12.2 and the instance parameter is as below: optimizer_adaptive_plans boolean TRUE

I am facing some performance issue with these queries because the optimizer is generating several executions plans for the same sql_id.

Does anyone had this scenary and solved it using the hint /*+ OPT_PARAM('_optimizer_adaptive_plans','false') */ ?

Any experience with this hint ?


Received on Thu Mar 05 2020 - 17:39:16 CET

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