OEM Agent Upgrade Question
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2020 11:27:35 -0600
Message-ID: <CAJvnOJaKBA=tXXuWNz8_WYNU-EPUaWjkqVwuy88QFY1x+pe7JA_at_mail.gmail.com>
I know we have some people here experienced with OEM, I am hoping they can answer my question.
For some reason, my predecessor put the same NFS mount on all of our Weblogic servers, over 50 of them, and put the OEM management agent for each of them on the NFS mount. What this means of course, is if that mount fills up or has problems and dismounts, none of our Weblogic servers tell us anything, We just lose communication with all the agents at once. So, I plan to upgrade the agents to the 13.3 version from 13.2, and at the same time I want to move the agent home onto /u01, which is not an NFS mount,
its an attached drive, so that we dont lose all the agents at once.However, going through the agent upgrade conversation, I dont see any options for defining a new agent home on upgrade, even though it does appear that its an out of place upgrade. Can someone direct me in how to do this, or let me know if its not possible? If necessary I can do everything buy hand, but needless to say that will be a serious pain with that many servers.
-- Andrew W. Kerber 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.' -- http://www.freelists.org/webpage/oracle-lReceived on Mon Mar 02 2020 - 18:27:35 CET