Re: Stand Alone DBs vs Stand Alone with Oracle Restart?
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2020 08:00:39 -0600
Message-ID: <>
You can actually run Oracle restart without ASM. I have done so in 12, 18, and 19. Its kind of wasteful of space, but if the disk is cheap the management is useful. Steps are in the blog below, and they have been tested up through 19c.
On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 7:55 AM Sallie Cottingham <> wrote:
> Hi –
> We currently have a 2 node Oracle RAC and will be going to a Stand Alone
> DB simply because RAC is overkill for the applications we have. I also
> have 2 stand alone DBs and for those I’m using ASM and Oracle Restart. I
> like ASM and also like the tools that can be used with Oracle Restart
> (srvctl, crsctl). But, in looking to move to a pure stand alone
> environment, I’d like to get your opinions on using ASM and Oracle Restart
> vs using regular file storage. We are a smaller shop and I’m the only
> official Oracle DBA and I’ve had a hard time trying to get the SQL Server
> DBA to engage enough in order for me to feel like I have a good backup
> resource. So I guess I’m wondering if I just went to simple standalone
> with no GI/Oracle Restart/ASM, do you think that would be easier to manage
> for someone who is not as familiar with Oracle? And also would that be
> easier for upgrades and patching? I’ve always used GI/ASM so I’m just
> trying to look at it from all perspectives – so I can take a vacation
> without being worried about who’s minding the shop!
> I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
> Thanks!
> *Sallie Cottingham, OCP*
> Database Administrator
> Comptroller of the Treasury
> Technology Solutions
> 425 Fifth Avenue North
> Nashville, TN 37243-34001
> * <>*
> 615-401-7962
-- Andrew W. Kerber 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.' -- on Thu Feb 13 2020 - 15:00:39 CET