Question on database fleet maintenance patching
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2019 22:23:40 +0000
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Hi All,
We have been asked to reduce the number of personals involved during our quarterly database patching. I was looking into using the fleet maintenance. Upon doing a POC, I notice the process of deploying the software job, awaits for manual step run and confirmation at three different points (new oracle home dir creation, pre -root run section and post run section), in spite of providing the normal and privileged credentials . We are wondering if there is a way to have these steps be run as part of the process automatically, instead of running manually.
./emcli db_software_maintenance -performOperation -name="deploy195" -purpose=DEPLOY_DB_SOFTWARE -target_type=oracle_database -normal_credential=FLEETMGR_STANDARD:SYSMAN -privilege_credential=FLEETMGR_PRIVILEGED:SYSMAN -input_file="data:/oracle/local/config/xyz.inp"
The .inp file
The databases we are trying patch is 19.x We have EM 13.3c
Our advance thanks for all your thoughts and suggestions.
-- on Mon Dec 23 2019 - 23:23:40 CET