Re: blank lines in create table script
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2019 10:20:26 -0600
Message-ID: <>
Off the top of my head, the free Notepad++ editor has a RegEx replace
where you could replace:
(including a single space at the end)...with:
(including a single space at the end), making sure the "Regular
Expression" box is checked in the Replace dialogue (standard <CTRL-H> to
replace in the editor).
The "^$" says to match lines where the end of the line immediately
follows the beginning, i.e. a truly blank line.
The "\n" will match the newline. It may need to be "\r" or "\n\r" or
"\r\n", depending on the actual new line characters existing in the file
you're editing.
The "\ " matches a single space, so the the blank line between the DDL
and the COMMIT is preserved.
Just one idea......
On 2019/12/03 09:50, Howard Latham wrote:
> Funny one this - I've got a load of scripts from a supplier with
> create table commands. They error as there's a blank line in front of constraint clauses. Is there a way of making them work- without editing the whole lot?
> Don't really want to edit delivered product scripts.
> Oracle 18c Redhat 7.
Received on Tue Dec 03 2019 - 17:20:26 CET