Re: Goldengate MA usage
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2019 19:26:28 -0500
Message-Id: <>
We have a lot of big customers using GG MA in a wide range of architectures. Shouldn’t be an issue in getting you up and running.
Installing Oracle GoldenGate Microservices is pretty easy. You can do this with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) or silently. When you install GG MA, you will install the binaries into your $OGG_HOME. After the install, you will notice a new directory structure. Navigate into the bin directory ($OGG_HOME/bin). From here, you will run the
OGGCA is the Oracle GoldenGate Configuration Assistant. You have to walk through this process the first time, then at the end you can save a response file. The first time through the OGGCA you will configure the ServiceManager and the first deployment.
After the OGGCA is complete, you will be able to open the ServiceManager by going to http://<host>:<port>. If you are installing a secure setup, that would be https://<host>:<port>.
During the OGGCA process, you will be allowed to specify where you want the deployment home ($DEPLOYMENT_HOME). This directory structure needs to reside outside of the $OGG_HOME. If you put it inside of $OGG_HOME, you will not be able to do upgrades of MA later. The $DEPLOYMENT_HOME will be the base directory structure for $OGG_ETC_HOME and $OGG_VAR_HOME.
Just to point out, up to this point, I’ve told you that you have to install the binaries in $OGG_HOME and the deployments will be created with OGGCA outside of the $OGG_HOME.
To configure the timeout, that is a bit more involved and requires you to get into the configurations of the microservices. I wrote a blog post on how to do that - <>
Management shouldn’t be worried about using GG Microservices, it provides the same stable and scalable replication as GG Classic. The Microservices platform is the path forward and will provide many more options in performance, scalability, and simplify usage.
You can defiantly using GG Microservices for your 3 hub setup and the GG team is here to help as needed.
As I mentioned in a previous email, since you are at DOAG; the Oracle PMs there should be able to point you to my contact information. I’m not going to share my work email on this list, but I’m willing to help you out and answer questions if needed.
Please let me know, how I can help.
> On Nov 19, 2019, at 4:32 PM, thierry gascard <> wrote:
> Hello
> Sorry but i have already read all public docs about ogg ma.
> We asked oracle in europe and they do not find people who use it
> At this time , i am in Doag 2019 , ask many people about it and no answer.
> So if you know people who use ogg ma with hub configuration, i will appreciate.
> Thank you
> Le mar. 19 nov. 2019 à 22:19, Mark W. Farnham < <>> a écrit :
> If indeed your question is completely general, you can find a list of resources by entering
> goldengate MA oracle documentation
> and/or
> goldengate microservices architecture oracle documentation
> into your favorite search engine and selecting. I don’t know whether there are any “expert” summaries of the full technical topic yet.
> if you have just begun with goldengate at all, as opposed to being facile with goldengate and just curious about the MA part, then I urge you to find someone for at least a ramp-up technology transfer ?month? or so to get you started in the right direction. Some very good people specialize in getting you launched well so that pretty soon you won’t need them except perhaps for something interesting and challenging later.
> Goldengate is so feature rich that it is the technology equivalent of trying to eat something bigger than your head. Never try to eat something bigger than your head, except possibly cotton candy. This is NOT cotton candy.
> Good luck.
> From: <> [ <>] On Behalf Of Andrew Kerber
> Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 3:39 PM
> To: thierry gascard
> Subject: Re: Goldengate MA usage
> Thats a pretty general question. Can you ask a more specific question? Are you having a problem?
> On Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 2:06 PM thierry gascard < <>> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We started to use oracle goldengate 19c MA for a critical project and it is difficult to find technical stuff. Does anyone started to use it ? Any advice ?
> Thank you
> --
> Andrew W. Kerber
> 'If at first you dont succeed, dont take up skydiving.'
-- on Wed Nov 20 2019 - 01:26:28 CET