Re: JVM in the database
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 13:41:11 +0100
Message-ID: <>
We did a POC a year ago on and compared Java in Database versus
PL/SQL. I was disappointed by the lack of support for null values in the
JVM, whereas nil does not cover all aspects of null.
In addition I was shocked how slow the JVM was compared to PL/SQL.
Something like twice as slow I would have expected, but the differnce
was >= 10 times slower.
I recently realized that parsing a CLOB for a text index is horribly
slow. Wonder if that happens in the JVM too.
Am 18.11.2019 um 13:12 schrieb Tim Hall:
> I think he means not applying the Java patches. The combo is a Java
> and a "all the rest patch". You can choose not to apply the Java one.
> Regarding the "we don't use Java in the database" point, are you sure
> about that? Over the years a bunch of functionality has been
> implemented using the JVM. Some things subsequently got incorporated
> into the kernel. Some didn't. I don't know off the top of my head, but
> I remember the early XML stuff (DBMS_XMLQUERY) and InterMedia used the
> JVM under the hood. While it's in there, there is a possibility you
> are using it.
> Cheers
> Tim...
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 11:17 AM Sayan Malakshinov <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Hm, does it require anything else besides critical patch updates?
> Or don't you install them at all?
> On Mon, Nov 18, 2019 at 1:16 AM Steve Harville
> < <>> wrote:
> We never install Java in the database because we don't like
> doing all those Java security patches.
> On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 2:33 PM Mark W. Farnham <
> <>> wrote:
> I believe that for most of the things that are frequently
> done in java, execution of the code on the client (and
> significantly not on RDBMS licensed cpu resource) is fine
> (if not superior), while the tight coupling of PL/SQL with
> the Oracle kernel and the avoidance of network trips and
> latency makes PL/SQL a superior choice for things that
> could in theory be done with java stored in the database
> and executed there on licensed cpus.
> In theory once the human readable syntax is translated
> into some sort of pcode, machine code, or rdbms calls, any
> source language could in theory be stored in and executed
> the same way PL/SQL is. Storing the source code in the
> database does avoid looking for it <wherever> if and when
> security or cross dependencies require a program unit to
> be recompiled, but that is merely (at least for the
> language structures that are compatible) merely providing
> the language syntax parser as available to the RDBMS.
> Common runtime additional passes after the language syntax
> is out of the way is something that was becoming very
> effective in the mid 1970s on timesharing operating
> systems. With a 7 pass optimizing PL/I subset G compiler
> available that was a superset of Pascal, for example, you
> could build a Pascal compiler that generated PL/SQL, which
> was then handed to the PL/I compiler.
> I’m not holding my breath.
> mwf
> *From:*
> <>
> [
> <>] *On Behalf Of
> *Mladen Gogala
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 16, 2019 9:21 AM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: JVM in the database
> From my experience, JVM in the database gets very little
> use. I am not sure why is that, Java is the new COBOL and
> everybody is doing applications in Java. OO programming
> which is very useful and very modern, as you can see here:
> is mostly done in Java and Python. Just about everybody is
> doing Java. However, the Java OO orientation might be the
> answer why people don't use it in the database. When you
> write a trigger, a function or a procedure and store it in
> the database, you want it to be as streamlined and
> efficient as possible. You don't want all that OO chaff
> that defines strings, regular expressions or alike. PL/SQL
> which is mostly procedural in nature, is far better suited
> for DB work than all that OO clutter in Java. Having said
> that, I am sure that in the long run, Java will prevail.
> Databases on Millennium Falcon will probably run Java
> internal procedures, which may bring into question
> completing the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.
> However, at that point I will have 6' of earth on top of
> me and will not care.
> On 11/16/19 2:06 AM, Noveljic Nenad wrote:
> For what purposes would you use JVM in the database?
> Best regards,
> Nenad
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> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Database Consultant
> Tel: (347) 321-1217
> --
> Best regards,
> Sayan Malakshinov
> Oracle performance tuning engineer
> Oracle ACE Associate
-- -- on Mon Nov 18 2019 - 13:41:11 CET