RE: Linux
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2019 14:14:10 +0000
Message-ID: <>
I'd agree w/Mladen - I've not seen or heard "bad results" from anyone running OEL/UEK 7 or RHEL 7 on VMWare or OVM. In many cases, as we talk to folks, which Hypervisor they're running often doesn't even come up. These things are so "commoditized" that it really does come down to:
Good luck!
Clay Jackson
From: <> On Behalf Of Mladen Gogala
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 5:28 AM
To: Noveljic Nenad <>;
Subject: Re: Linux
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On 10/9/19 8:09 AM, Noveljic Nenad wrote:
Thank you, Mladen - then we'll start our evaluation with OL7.
Is there any particular reason why you didn't mention KVM (<> ) for virtualization?
VMWare isn't strategic in our shop. In contrast, we've been having an absolutely positive experience with Hyper-V for hosting SQL Server, but we would like to avoid it for Oracle, as we'd need to deal with yet another team, where it isn't absolutely necessary.
No particular reason. As a consultant, I have most frequently encountered the aforementioned hypervisors. I have no experiences with KVM, either good or bad.
Anybody can share their experiences with OVM?
OVM can pretty much do what all other hypervisors can also do. In addition to that, OVM virtual machines can be easily moved to Oracle Cloud and Oracle is willing to discount the price for databases is you buy OVM, which makes things cheaper for you. Again, those are business reasons, not technical reasons. Hypervisor software has reached a level of maturity, just like office software. All the office software suites can doc and docx documents, export them as PDF and edit styles and fonts. BTW, OVM is KVM based.
Database Solutions Sales Engineer<>
office 949-754-1203 mobile 425-802-9603
Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217
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