Community announcement: Quotable quote from the NoCOUG Journal
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 23:26:39 +0000
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“The word wait invites a mental model that actually obscures your thinking about performance. Here’s the problem: waiting sounds like something you’d want to avoid, and working sounds like something you’d want more of. Your program is waiting?! Unacceptable. You want it to be working. The connotations of the words working and waiting are unavoidable. It sounds like, if a program is waiting a lot, then you need to fix it; if it’s working a lot, then it’s probably okay. Right? Actually, no.”
See the article "Words I don't use" by Cary Millsap on page 24 of the August 2019 issue of the NoCOUG Journal<>.
P.S. The NoCOUG summer conference is on Thursday, August 15 at Chevron in San Ramon, CA. The agenda and registration are at<>.
The Northern California Oracle Users Group is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) organization that has been serving the Oracle Database community of Northern California for more than thirty years by organizing four conferences a year and publishing a quarterly journal. Download the complete digital archive of the NoCOUG Journal using: “wget{2001..2019}{02..12..3}.pdf”.
-- on Wed Jul 31 2019 - 01:26:39 CEST