Re: SYS login issue thru TOAD but not SQLPLUS

From: Leng <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2019 06:15:21 +1000
Message-Id: <>

Hi Sally,

When you login remotely as sysdba oracle will be looking for the db password file to verify that you have given it the right credentials.

Sounds like you either don’t have the password file in the first place, or it’s not in the right location. Or you could be trying to connect to the wrong db altogether - is there an imptest db lying around too?

Is the imptest instance registered in crs? Look at ‘srvctl config database -d imptest7’ and check the password file registration. Look in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs for orapwSID. Strings this file.

And as rich says, login from another server remotely as sysdba. Does it fail with the same error?


> On 12 Jul 2019, at 4:14 am, Rich J <> wrote:
> On 2019/07/11 10:53, Sallie Cottingham wrote:
> I recently upgraded my databases from 12.1 to 12.2. After the upgrade to 12.2, everything is working well with the exception of using TOAD for a SYS login for just one (of 18) of the upgraded databases. I can login fine thru SQLPlus both local and remote, but when I try the login thru TOAD I get this error:
> ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +DAT/IMPTEST/PASSWORD/pwdimptest7.269.911482457
> ORA-15173: entry 'IMPTEST' does not exist in directory '/'
> ORA-06512: at line 4
> ORA-06512: at "SYS.X$DBMS_DISKGROUP", line 665
> ORA-06512: at line 2
> 2019-07-11T10:09:51.258290-05:00
> Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/imptest7/imptest71/trace/imptest71_ora_21438.trc:
> What’s weird about this is the instance name in the error text – as I’ve highlighted in yellow. The name of the instance is IMPTEST7, but somewhere Oracle is thinking that it should be looking for IMPTEST.
> I really don’t know where to head with the problem since it is a problem with a third party product and I have not contacted Quest for support in the past for TOAD so not sure about that either. So I thought I’d see if anybody on the Oracle-L list may have experienced something like this and could provide insight. It’s not a showstopper since I can use SQLPlus, just annoying not to also be able to use TOAD.
> Any help will be appreciated!
> Hey Sallie,
> I do have an 18XE CDB that I have used Toad to connect as SYS/SYSDBA for testing and it works well. I am using the Beta, however.
> The best place to start for Toad help is (registration is required to post). I suspect at least a few of the main Toad Development Team is on vacation this week, as the responses are lighter than usual.
> A few technical things you may want to try:
> -- Which version of Toad? 13.1 is current, 13.2 is in beta. Your version of Toad may pre-date Oracle 12.2 and may not work well with changes in Oracle.
> -- Verify Toad's ORACLE_HOME is at a version compatible with 12.2. MOS 207303.1 maps out which client versions are valid for which server versions.
> -- Can you connect SYS/SYSDBA from the ORACLE_HOME using other tools (e.g. SQL*Plus)?
> -- Can you connect SYS/SYSDBA from some other non-local source?
> -- Verify that the client connection information (e.g. TNSNAMES.ORA entry) is valid for the new 12.2 version.
> Good luck!
> Rich

Received on Tue Jul 30 2019 - 22:15:21 CEST

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