13C OEM/GC monitoring specific windows services
From: Jack van Zanen <jack_at_vanzanen.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 08:41:15 +1000
Message-ID: <CAFeFPA87WYd2MKxSmH19Q2nS38qZk0+sJLCJssi7sXzkTDBTPQ_at_mail.gmail.com>
Hi All
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Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2019 08:41:15 +1000
Message-ID: <CAFeFPA87WYd2MKxSmH19Q2nS38qZk0+sJLCJssi7sXzkTDBTPQ_at_mail.gmail.com>
Hi All
We have a 13C OEM/GC setup and a couple of hosts/ databases that we monitor. All pretty standard.
Now I have been looking in to adding an agent to non database hosts just to
monitor the OS and specific services.
Monitoring the host comes standard, but is it possible to configure the
monitoring to monitor the status for a specific set of services?
Jack van Zanen
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Received on Tue Jul 02 2019 - 00:41:15 CEST