long message list sorted by time
From: <l.flatz_at_bluewin.ch>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 08:03:58 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <335990369.2864.1561097038060_at_bluewin.ch>
i got a special kind of issue today. There is a big list of logs and we have to return the first x (e.g. 1000) entries sorted on time, newest first. In order to simplify the issue we just discuss one search criteria and this will be account name. There are three scenarios:
I think I would need a 2 dimensional index like a spatial index… or can even a text index do the trick? (This is standard Edition.)
I guess somebody has already worked on such case. Regards
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2019 08:03:58 +0200 (CEST)
Message-ID: <335990369.2864.1561097038060_at_bluewin.ch>
i got a special kind of issue today. There is a big list of logs and we have to return the first x (e.g. 1000) entries sorted on time, newest first. In order to simplify the issue we just discuss one search criteria and this will be account name. There are three scenarios:
1.) account name = 'XXX' (simple) 2.) account_name like 'ABE%' (not simple) 3.) account_name in (..…) potentially a log listRather than just by rowcount we could potentially limit additionally by a number of days in the past. One day has between 1.5 million up tp 8 million rows. Response time should be below 10 seconds. There are 180 days worth of data kept online. Altogether 800 million rows. Account_name has 2758 distinct values. As you can see even the result for one account can be very big. Of course for case 1.) an index (account_name, create_time desc) avoids sorting and the answer is instand. case 2 and 3 are not that easy.
I think I would need a 2 dimensional index like a spatial index… or can even a text index do the trick? (This is standard Edition.)
I guess somebody has already worked on such case. Regards
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