Re: Please, did anybody use the patch 19 for oracle forms 6i? :)
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 15:21:54 -0400
Message-ID: <>
Sorry my mistake, wrong question.
I applied that patch, I was having the hope of a patch to connect Oracle
forms 6i with Oracle Database 18c.
If someone found a trick to connect oracle form 6i with Oracle Database
18c, you're welcome.
El jue., 13 jun. 2019 a las 14:43, Juan Carlos Reyes Pacheco (<>) escribió:
> Hello, please
> I heard there is one new patch for oracle forms, and I hope it help
> connecting with new oracle database releases.
> But you can't download from metalink, at least not fro moracle forms
> product, maybe under some secondary product of oracle.
> Did anyone downloaded and applied it?
> Thank you in advance for any advice :)
> Here are some links talking about the patch 19
-- on Thu Jun 13 2019 - 21:21:54 CEST