Re: Saving MS Office Documents into an Oracle Database?
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 15:43:03 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Just to throw in a small (internal only) use case where I did load many
word documents+pdf etc into Oracle database... In order to use Oracle Text
automatic filtering for full text search on document contents. It was just
too easy to implement and no extra software was needed :)
On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 3:07 PM Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman <>
> Yes, Jeremiah was blunt about his POV on this topic, but as someone who’s
> fully immersed on the Microsoft side, we also don’t recommend storing MS
> Word docs inside SQL or Azure databases. It’s not that you can’t do it,
> it’s just that you’re using the wrong tool for the job. We have Sharepoint
> for secure access and apps, even Power BI apps to create a better access
> point for customers to work with documents outside of a file share.
> Jeremiah and Niall are correct- storing word documents inside the
> database is a waste of a good RDBMS. It’s also a nightmare for all the
> GDPR initiatives and other data governance coming down the pipe...:)
> Kellyn
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 3:52 AM <> wrote:
>> I'm with Jeremiah here (though not perhaps his image). Windows shared
>> file systems provide centralized secure access to MS Office documents for
>> millions of folks. You absolutely *can *use the BFILE data type, but
>> then you can also generate a URI for the file as well and store than in a
>> simple varchar2. Anyone accessing the URI will be able to view/edit the doc
>> depending on their corporate permissions in a native app.
>> On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 7:43 PM Jeremy Ovenden <>
>> wrote:
>>> Heh thanks for reinforcing your view with a useful image.
>>> Why would you store anything in a database? Presumably for centralised,
>>> secure access to data.
>>> *From:* Jeremiah Cetlin Wilton <>
>>> *Sent:* 11 June 2019 19:35
>>> *To:* Jeremy Ovenden <>
>>> *Cc:* Oracle Mailing List <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: Saving MS Office Documents into an Oracle Database?
>>> Sorry... just being annoying.
>>> The question would be: "why?"
>>> Oracle is a transactional relational database. Why would we keep MS
>>> Office docs in there?
>>> Jeremiah
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Jeremy Ovenden" <>
>>> *To: *"Oracle Mailing List" <>
>>> *Sent: *Tuesday, June 11, 2019 10:06:07 AM
>>> *Subject: *Saving MS Office Documents into an Oracle Database?
>>> Hi
>>> Not sure if this is a the right group to ask for this assistance – but
>>> my google mojo has failed me thus far.
>>> In MS Word you can save files to o/s but you can also save to e.g.
>>> Sharepoint and Teams – I was wondering if there is a means by which you can
>>> save directly into an Oracle DB?
>>> Any pointers gratefully received.
>>> Many thanks
>>> jeremy
>> --
>> Niall Litchfield
>> Oracle DBA
> --
> *Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman*
> DBAKevlar Blog <>
> President Denver SQL Server User Group <>
-- Ilmar KermReceived on Wed Jun 12 2019 - 15:43:03 CEST
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