Re: New instance(s) setup question

From: Bill Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2019 06:52:30 -0600
Message-ID: <>

Good points, which I failed to mention in my original post (since I thought it was already overly wordy). The number of people allowed to access the server is a small group of 5 people (most of which will be retiring), and all of the users only access the database(s) through Apex. We may also be migrating to the Amazon cloud later this year, depending on funding, as that should cost us less than $1,000/month, but we are also committed to a current Oracle cost of over $160,000 just for this year, so the bean-counters need to figure out how and where to get the money. Government work is so fun. :)

On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 6:47 AM Noveljic Nenad <> wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> Having both test and production running on the same hardware, you
> obviously won’t have a possibility to test the impact of the operating
> system (OS) patches and upgrades on the databases before applying them in
> the production environment.
> You can partially mitigate this problem with the virtualization, where you
> can patch every guest OS separately. I’ve been using MS Hyper-V (see
> ) for years and it has proven as a
> really good virtualization platform for MS SQL Server databases. However, I
> don’t have any experience with operating Oracle databases on Windows.
> Another advantage of the virtualization is a better isolation of the
> production databases from the security point of view. What I mean by that
> is if the test and production databases are running in the same OS
> environment people having access to the test databases could abuse some
> database features or security leaks to gain the access to the production
> databases.
> Best regards,
> Nenad
> *From:* <> *On
> Behalf Of *Bill Ferguson
> *Sent:* Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2019 14:25
> *To:* oracle-l-freelists <>
> *Subject:* New instance(s) setup question
> Hi all -
> Probably pretty basic, but a quick question for a new installation. Oracle
> pricing has really gotten out of hand, and my Center is drastically
> downsizing everything to save on costs. We also have several security
> things to address, and multiple people retiring in the next year or so, so
> we also have an emphasis on getting things simplified and documented for
> fairly new and inexperienced SysAdmins, DBA and devs.
> Anyway, the SysAdmin has setup a new server for me to migrate all of the
> Oracle stuff to. It is an
> Intel Xeon Silver-4112 2.60 GHz Socket/Processor with four (4) cores and
> 32 GB of Memory, running Windows Server 2016 Standard.
> The C: (SYSTEM) drive is a mirrored volume consisting of two 1TB SSD
> drives with NTFS space of 884 GB. The E: (APP) drive is a mirrored volume
> consisting of two 4TB SATA Enterprise drives with NTFS space of 3.45 TB.
> Now my question is How to get Oracle setup on just this one machine, with
> both my production and development databases. Should I go with two separate
> installs (instances), or just go with the multi-tenant and have two
> pluggable databases? The production database is roughly 1GB in size, with
> maybe 3-4 users per day, and a total of around 150 users, so performance
> and throughput, I/O, etc. are extremely minimal. But with myself
> (hopefully) retiring within a year, and my current backup seeming to be out
> of her league and not being very motivated to pick up the reins and charge
> ahead, I want to keep as much as I can, as simple as I can (so I have less
> documentation to write).
> At this point in time, I don't have much confidence that she'll be up to
> the task of taking over if I do retire, especially if I pick the more
> complicated maintenance installation option. So I'm faced with the prospect
> of two installations, which is what we currently have with two separate
> servers. Or, I could go with the multi-tenant option and have two pluggable
> databases. But that approach has me worried about future upgrades, etc.
> That will add a whole new level of "stuff" she'll have to learn and for me
> to document. I'm also worried about availability in case somehow the root
> container gets hosed and she need to perform a reinstall or anything else
> that would probably bury her technically.
> Any opinions other than hiring someone with more motivation and more
> experience? We are a government agency, so hiring somebody with the skills
> at our pay scale is pretty far-fetched, especially when management doesn't
> think we deserve what little pay we do get. Thanks.
> --
> -- Bill Ferguson
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-- Bill Ferguson

Received on Wed Jun 05 2019 - 14:52:30 CEST

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