RE: scalar subquery costing
Date: Thu, 30 May 2019 09:50:10 +0000
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Another one
Von: Jonathan Lewis <<>>
Datum Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2019, 1:34 PM
An: Noveljic Nenad <<>>, ORACLE-L <<>>
Betreff: Re: scalar subquery costing
"I'm more and more inclined to think that cost(NDV) = const for NDV > n/2 (where n is num_rows) is an anomaly. "
There are two ways of interpreting that statement: a) the developer writing the code made a mistake b) the person specifying the code made what appears to be an arbitrary and illogical decision
The value 2 doesn't look like an accidentally introduced coding error to me - so my vote is that it's in the specification and therefore "not a bug" from Oracle Corp's perspective.
It's possible that the "additional phase" is there quite deliberately to do the calculation we would expect when JPPD is appearing - and there may be an unspecified rationale why in the JPPD case the "divide by 2" is deliberately over-ridden.
Jonathan Lewis
From: Noveljic Nenad <> Sent: 29 May 2019 11:41:08
To: Jonathan Lewis; ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: scalar subquery costing
I'm more and more inclined to think that cost(NDV) = const for NDV > n/2 (where n is num_rows) is an anomaly. The main reason for this is that the total cost should grow with the higher number of executions of the correlated scalar subquery.
This can, perhaps, be more easily understood when the correlated scalar subquery is used in a query which is a subject of nested join predicate push down (JPPD) transformations.
Take, for example, the following query:
select /*+ qb_name(QB_MAIN) */
( select /*+ qb_name(QB_SCAL) */ count(*) from t1 loc where loc.n2 = t1.n2 )
from t1 ,
( select /*+ qb_name(QB_MIDDLE) */ t2.n2
from t2 , ( select /*+ qb_name(QB_INNER ) */ t3.n2 from t3, t4 where t4.n1 = t3.n1 ) v2 where v2.n2(+) = t2.n1
) v1
where v1.n2(+) = t1.n1 ;
The underlying tables are defined here:
The table t1 has to be modified a little bit:
truncate table t1 ;
insert into t1 select level,level from dual connect by level <= 100000 ;
commit ;
exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(null,'t1') ;
The cost of a single execution of the scalar subquery is 68.988510:
2628 Final cost for query block QB_SCAL (#2) - All Rows Plan:
2629 Best join order: 1
2630 Cost: 68.988510 Degree: 1 Card: 1.000000 Bytes: 5.000000
The cardinality of the main query is 100001, for the case state space (3) : (0), i.e. when JPPD from QB_MAIN isn't performed:
2495 JPPD: Starting iteration 1, state space = (3) : (0) ...
3401 Final cost for query block QB_MAIN (#1) - All Rows Plan:
3402 Best join order: 1
3403 Cost: 6147794.675001 Degree: 1 Card: 100001.000000 Bytes: 2300023.000000
3417 JPPD: Starting iteration 2, state space = (3) : (1)
The cost should be:
cardinality(QB_MAIN) * cost(QB_SCAL) + cost_of_qb_main_rowset ~ 689885.1, because cost_of_qb_main_rowset << cardinality(QB_MAIN) * cost(QB_SCAL) in our case . But, as we already know, the optimizer opted for cost(n/2) = 6147794.675001 .
And now comes the interesting part. As we have nested JPPD, the so called "Join Predicate Push Down Additional Phase" kicks in
3883 CBQT Join Predicate Push Down Additional Phase
The same calculation will be repeated again, but in this section the optimizer, apparently, uses another calculation - in my humble opinion, the correct one:
4555 Transfer Optimizer annotations for query block QB_MAIN (#1)
4556 Final cost for query block QB_MAIN (#1) - All Rows Plan:
4557 Best join order: 1
4558 Cost: 6945708.024138 Degree: 1 Card: 100001.000000 Bytes: 1200012.000000
The cost 6945708.02413 is the one that we would expect.
As a consequence, the optimizer compares costs obtained by different algorithms which might lead to a wrong decision. With a little effort, I think, I could construct such a test case.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2019 23:31
To: Noveljic Nenad <>; ORACLE-L <>
Subject: Re: scalar subquery costing
I like the thinking - and can provide corroborative evidence for the idea of "the first 10923 is the maximum number of values that can be cached simultaneously". If you change the n1 column to varchar2(10) and populate with lpad(level,10,'0') then the 10,923 drops to 5,460 - i.e. double the length of the items cached and you halve the number that can be cached.
This fits with the "scalar subquery caching" parameter: _query_execution_cache_max_size which defaults to 131072 in 10g+ (bearing in mind avg_col_len and the need for length bytes, and need to cache the input and output values).
I'll run a few examples tomorrow to check the rest of it.
Jonathan Lewis
From: Noveljic Nenad <> Sent: 28 May 2019 20:46:15
To: Jonathan Lewis; ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: scalar subquery costing
What do you think it would be lambda if the cost follows the Poisson distribution?
As an alternative, I'd like to offer a formula which approximately matches the data from your experiment.
Please find my hypothesis below:
The linearity for NDV <= 10923 suggests that 10923 values returned by the scalar subquery can be cached simultaneously. Therefore, there isn't any extra cost when matching the cached value in this case.
For NDV > 10923 the probability p of finding the value in the cache can be calculated as follows:
p = 10923/NDV
Consequently, the probability of not finding the result in the cache is:
1-p = 1 - 10923/NDV
The total number of cache misses is:
cache_misses = num_rows * (1 - p) = num_rows * ( 1 - 10923 / NDV )
The total cost of the cache misses can be calculated as follows:
cache_misses_cost = cache_misses * cost_of_scalar_subquery_single_execution.
The total cost is approximately:
total_cost ~ cache_misses_cost + cost_of_filling_the_cache
The cost of filling the cache is the cost to fetch 10923 NDVs. Since we don't have the exact value I'll use the cost of 11000 NDVs from your experiment.
cost_of_filling_the_cache ~ cache_misses_cost + cost(11000)
In our case:
num_rows = 100000
cost_of_scalar_subquery_single_execution = 3
total_cost(NDV) ~ 100000 * ( 1 - 10923/NDV ) * 3 + 34945 = 300000 * ( 1 - 10923/NDV ) + 34945
Let's calculate the cost for different values accross the range:
total_cost(12) ~ 61870 vs. 59769 total_cost(24) ~ 198407 vs. 196303 total_cost(36) ~ 243920 vs. 241814
As we can see, this formula calculates the cost with ~ 97% precision.
I can think of the following refinements:
1. First and foremost, try out "selection with replacement" expected value calculation. I think "with" replacement would be appropriate here as the values come back after have been evicted from cache. 2. Use cost(10923) instead of the approximation cost(11000). 3. Use the value of cost(10923) from the optimizer trace, to increase the precision.
Furthermore, I'd need to automate these calculation to verify the hypothesis across different datasets.
I'm, though, still bothered by the fact that the cost remains constant for NDV > num_rows/2 , as I couldn't think of any plausible explanation
What do you think?
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2019 17:32
To: Noveljic Nenad <>; ORACLE-L <>
Subject: Re: scalar subquery costing
With a couple more tests is looks like
- There's a magic value of 10,922 rather than 10% where the linear increase in cost stops - this seemed to be fixed for a few tests where the number of rows in table varied from 100,000 to 500,000 - there may be other limits for other ranges of table sizes.
- From 10,923 to 50% of the rows in the table the change in cost looked roughly Poisson - sudden sharp increase for a small increase in num_distinct then long slow tail.
- The cost stops growing after num_distinct reaches 50% of num_rows.
JOnathan Lewis
From: Noveljic Nenad <> Sent: 28 May 2019 11:02:14
To: Jonathan Lewis; ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: scalar subquery costing
If we consider cost as a function of the number of distinct values (NDV), we can clearly identify three different subsets of its domain:
- NDV <= 0.1 * rows_in_table. A purely linear function, probably under the assumption that *all* of the scalar subquery values are being cached.
- 0.1 * rows_in_table < NDV <= 0.5 * rows_in_table. It's a logarithmically-shaped function with the asymptote ~ f(rows_in_table). The rational is probably: with large NDVs it will be much less likely to find its scalar subquery result in the cache. A pitfall here is that the function seems too steep at the beginning - a small increase in NDV will lead to a huge leap in cost.
- NDV > 0.5 * rows_in_table. f(NDV) = 267300. A possible assumption in this case: no cache hits at all. Just the value seems a bit odd as the real cost should be by around 10% higher if the results aren't cached.
Best regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Sent: Dienstag, 28. Mai 2019 10:22
To: ORACLE-L ( <>; Noveljic Nenad <>
Subject: Re: scalar subquery costing
FYI - a quick test reporting costs for your query as I fake the column stats on t_100K to vary Statement N corresponds to N * 1,000 distinct values, with low_value 1 and high_value N * 1,000. I've picked the cost, cpu_cost, and io_cost for the top line of the execution plan in each case.
Interesting point(a) somewhere between 10 and 12 thousand distinct values, and another when num_distinct = 0.5 * rows in table.
STATEMENT_ID IO_COST IO_DIFF CPU_COST CPU_DIFF COST ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1 3068 252344831 3094 2 6068 3000 487952031 235607200 6119 3 9068 3000 723559231 235607200 9143 4 12068 3000 959166431 235607200 12167 5 15068 3000 1194773631 235607200 15192 6 18068 3000 1430380831 235607200 18216 7 21068 3000 1665988031 235607200 21240 8 24068 3000 1901595231 235607200 24265 9 27068 3000 2137202431 235607200 27289 10 30068 3000 2372809631 235607200 30314 11 34945 4877 2755835542 383025911 35230 12 59769 24824 4705425626 1949590084 60256 13 80774 21005 6355078773 1649653147 81432 14 98779 18005 7769067185 1413988412 99583 15 114383 15604 8994523809 1225456624 115314 16 128036 13653 1.0067E+10 1072274546 129078 17 140083 12047 1.1013E+10 946124599 141223 18 150792 10709 1.1854E+10 840999644 152019 19 160373 9581 1.2606E+10 752473365 161678 20 168996 8623 1.3284E+10 677226029 170371 21 176798 7802 1.3896E+10 612728312 178236 22 183891 7093 1.4453E+10 557025738 185387 23 190366 6475 1.4962E+10 508588717 191915 24 196303 5937 1.5428E+10 466206324 197900 25 201764 5461 1.5857E+10 428909819 203406 26 206805 5041 1.6253E+10 395916755 208488 27 211473 4668 1.6620E+10 366589588 213193 28 215807 4334 1.6960E+10 340404618 217563 29 219843 4036 1.7277E+10 316928437 221631 30 223609 3766 1.7573E+10 295799875 225428 31 227133 3524 1.7849E+10 276716012 228981 32 230436 3303 1.8109E+10 259421261 232311 33 233539 3103 1.8353E+10 243698760 235439 34 236460 2921 1.8582E+10 229363540 238383 35 239213 2753 1.8798E+10 216257051 241159 36 241814 2601 1.9002E+10 204242770 243781 37 244274 2460 1.9196E+10 193202621 246261 38 246604 2330 1.9379E+10 183034062 248610 39 248815 2211 1.9552E+10 173647700 250840 40 250916 2101 1.9717E+10 164965315 252957 41 252914 1998 1.9874E+10 156918226 254971 42 254817 1903 2.0024E+10 149445929 256890 43 256631 1814 2.0166E+10 142494957 258719 44 258363 1732 2.0302E+10 136017913 260465 45 260018 1655 2.0432E+10 129972672 262133 46 261601 1583 2.0556E+10 124321686 263729 47 263117 1516 2.0675E+10 119031402 265257 48 264569 1452 2.0790E+10 114071760 266721 49 265963 1394 2.0899E+10 109415770 268126 50 267300 1337 2.1004E+10 105039139 269474 51 267300 0 2.1004E+10 0 269474 52 267300 0 2.1004E+10 0 269474 ... 98 267300 0 2.1004E+10 0 269474 99 267300 0 2.1004E+10 0 269474 100 267300 0 2.1004E+10 0 269474
Jonathan Lewis
From: <> on behalf of Noveljic Nenad <> Sent: 24 May 2019 16:46:30
To: ORACLE-L ( Subject: scalar subquery costing
The calculated cost for the following query is 262K (on Oracle 12.2):
select /*+ qb_name(QB_MAIN) */
select /*+ qb_name(QB_SUBQ) */ count(*)
from t_1k where t_1k.n1 = t_100k.n1
from t_100k ;
Plan Table
--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost | Time | --------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 262K | | | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 4 | | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | T_1K | 1 | 4 | 3 | 00:00:01 || 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | T_100K | 98K | 488K | 69 | 00:00:01 |
--------------------------------------+-----------------------------------+Predicate Information:
2 - filter("T_1K"."N1"=:B1)
From the optimizer trace we can get more precise cardinalities and costs:
Final cost for query block QB_SUBQ (#0) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 3.009811 Degree: 1 Card: 1.000000 Bytes: 4.000000
Final cost for query block QB_MAIN (#0) - All Rows Plan:
Best join order: 1
Cost: 268174.664510 Degree: 1 Card: 100000.000000 Bytes: 500000.000000
Table: T_100K Alias: T_100K
Card: Original: 100000.000000 Rounded: 100000 Computed: 100000.000000 Non Adjusted: 100000.000000 ...
Access Path: TableScan
Cost: 68.697001 Resp: 68.697001 Degree: 0
Cost_io: 68.000000 Cost_cpu: 16737631
In theory, the total cost should be caculated as follows. cardinality(QB_MAIN) * cost(QB_SUBQ) + cost(full table scan T_100K) = 100000 * 3.009811 + 68.69701 = 301049.79701
How the optimizer came up with 268174.664510?
Best regards,
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