How can I ensure a database service starts on the preferred node after a database restart?
From: <"">
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 13:58:08 +0000
Message-ID: <>
We have a number of database services which are only supposed to run on a single preferred node except in specific cases (down node, during patching, etc.). However when we use srvctl start database if that node doesn't come up first then the service will start up on the alternate node.
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 13:58:08 +0000
Message-ID: <>
We have a number of database services which are only supposed to run on a single preferred node except in specific cases (down node, during patching, etc.). However when we use srvctl start database if that node doesn't come up first then the service will start up on the alternate node.
We have three potential workarounds none of which are ideal so I was hoping someone had a better suggestion.
- Simply restart the services after all the database instances are up. This is what we are doing now but it means that any apps which reconnect automatically will have connections to the alternate node.
- Start the instances individually with the preferred node coming up first. This doesn't work for those databases which have multiple services each with a different preferred node. It also requires manual intervention to first check the preferred instance for each node.
- Script the database startups to start the instances in the correct order. This still doesn't work for those databases which have multiple services as well as requiring a fair amount of work and education.
Any ideas?
-- on Wed May 22 2019 - 15:58:08 CEST