Find Suspended jobs in OEM
From: Sundar Mahadevan <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 09:52:02 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Hi All,
Greetings of the day. When there are agent related issues. all my OEM jobs get suspended and later scheduled again when the issue gets resolved (we know the reason and are working towards fixing it) and my email inbox gets spammed. I was wondering if I could query the status of any suspended jobs that did not recover on OEM as a simpler measure to avoid going through each individual email. I found MGMT_JOB_E table has job_status column, however I could not find the mapping for the status codes against the status description on the web. Has anyone figured this out already or is there a different table/approach that you can suggest? Thanks and have a great day.
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 09:52:02 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Hi All,
Greetings of the day. When there are agent related issues. all my OEM jobs get suspended and later scheduled again when the issue gets resolved (we know the reason and are working towards fixing it) and my email inbox gets spammed. I was wondering if I could query the status of any suspended jobs that did not recover on OEM as a simpler measure to avoid going through each individual email. I found MGMT_JOB_E table has job_status column, however I could not find the mapping for the status codes against the status description on the web. Has anyone figured this out already or is there a different table/approach that you can suggest? Thanks and have a great day.
-- on Tue May 21 2019 - 18:52:02 CEST