RE: Memory needed for upgrade to 18c
Date: Sat, 18 May 2019 06:42:58 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <523f29d5-4d6a-4fd6-b336-22455fd00b36_at_default>
Any chance this db is on AIX?
Herr Upgrade reminded me that there's a known bug for 12.1-12.2 upgrades that exhibit this behavior...could be it crept into 18c.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Lewis <>
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2019 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: Memory needed for upgrade to 18c
What are you doing to check the memory usage of each instance ? Is this just the shared memory or are you doing something to include the actual memory usage of all the processes attached to the SGA as well ? Is the increase apparent from Oracle's perspective or is there something about Oracle's use of memory which has changed the way it's O/S memory pages that has led to more memory being allocated for the O/S memory map ? (Possible clues in the alert log if you've got old and new.)
You say 2GB more per instance - how much memory was each instance using before the upgrade (to give us some idea of the percentage increase).
Do you have any record of memory allocation on startup for the databases you've upgraded - it's almost always the case that Oracle Corp. finds some new "overhead" to stuff into the code as you upgrade. 18c has
You say you have 22 single instances on that machine - are they all running separate virtual machines (please translate to AIX-equivalent terminology) or do you have many virtual machines with one (or more) instances per machine. (And can you tell us something about the total CPU count and memory of the hardware).
You say that the parameters are the same - but are you comparing all the parameters that you DIDN'T set that may have changed their default values. Again a comparison of old and new alert logs may help. As a quick check for large scale changes you could compare the before and after results of
select pool, sum(bytes) from v$sgastat group by pool order by 1;
This MIGHT highlight a significant change.
Hello Stefan,
Thank you very much for your answer.
Do you have any simpler idea?
Best regards,
$ ps -ef|wc
3423 30419 238850
22 198 1498
On 5/17/19 9:42 AM, Stefan Koehler wrote:
Hello Thanh,
Maybe the good old "USLA heap" problem is back again. However if you have not changed any parameter (e.g. SGA_TARGET, MEMORY_TARGET, PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET) and you are not using more (over-allocated) PGA than before than it is very likely caused by heap memory consumption of each Oracle process - you can check the memory and break it down with "svmon" very easily ( ).
Best Regards
Independent Oracle performance consultant and researcher
Twitter: _at_OracleSK
Thanh NGUYEN <><> hat am 16. Mai 2019 um 21:31 geschrieben:
Jonathan Lewis
From: <> on behalf of Thanh NGUYEN <>
Sent: 18 May 2019 08:17:52
Subject: Re: Memory needed for upgrade to 18c
8:58:13 z004969:/users/ucib/z004969
$ ps -ef|grep smon|grep -v grep|wc
ah AIX and Oracle is like Tom and Jerry ;-)
Stefan Koehler
Aix 7.2 ML03
We upgraded 5 instances from to 18c, without changing any parameter.
Then we observed that memory is used more than before the upgrade, nearly 2GB more for each.
Do you have any experience/explanation about that please?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Received on Sat May 18 2019 - 15:42:58 CEST