Re: Help with moving from Glassfish 4.1.1 to Oracle WebLogic Server
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 21:35:09 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hi Mark
Quick explanation.
After installation you have to create domains, during domain creation you
can create managed server.
The domain is like database and managed server like a schema, in database
terms. A default domain without any managed server creates by default the
administration server, if you create new managed server are new weblogic
After domain and managed server creation you get these scripts
$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ ===> this starts the administration server
$DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ ===> this starts the managed server
I learnt all when working with Forms & Reports :-)
On Thu, May 16, 2019 at 9:25 PM Mark J. Bobak <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been working with APEX/ORDS/Glassfish for years, but recently, I
> tried the latest version of Glassfish, 5.1.0, no longer under control of
> Oracle, and was having a deployment error with ords.war. (Something about
> CDI...?)
> Anyhow, I know latest version of ORDS still supports Glassfish, but it's
> deprecated, and the days are numbered.
> So, I thought, no time like the present, let's try Oracle WebLogic Server.
> So, first, while I'm quite comfortable with Oracle Database, I have *zero*
> experience with Oracle WebLogic Server. So, I was poking round the web,
> and I found this, which I downloaded:
> I managed to get it installed (I think), but I can't figure out what to
> do, how to start it and start working with it. As I said, I have *no*
> experience with WebLogic Server. FYI, when I indtsalled it, there weere
> three options, "WebLogic",'Coherence", and "Complete with Examples", or
> something like that. I installed the first option, "WebLogic".
> I found a document, which said to do '' to start it, but I
> have no such file in my newly installed Oracle home.
> Can someone give me a clue, or possibly a link to some documentation that
> will hold my hand and outline *exactly* what to do in which order?
> Thanks!
> -Mark
> PS I find this all very confusing, particularly the part about WebLogic
> being part of Fusion Middelware? Anyhow, when you respond, please do so as
> if I were a clueless idiot, because when it comes to WebLogic Server, I
> pretty much am!
> PPS Yes, I'm finally back at work. I did work from home last week, and
> this Monday, and I've been in the office since Tuesday. I'm still not
> 100%, but I'm definitely feeling better.
-- on Thu May 16 2019 - 21:35:09 CEST