ora-00972 in database?
From: Lyall Barbour <lyallbarbour_at_sanfranmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 18:01:20 +0100
Message-ID: <trinity-20b4078f-ea14-4f14-aa00-691d1ce10bf3-1552928480690_at_3c-app-mailcom-lxa10>
Received on Mon Mar 18 2019 - 18:01:20 CET
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 18:01:20 +0100
Message-ID: <trinity-20b4078f-ea14-4f14-aa00-691d1ce10bf3-1552928480690_at_3c-app-mailcom-lxa10>
RDBMS version PSU July 2018
I am redefining some partitions in an system that has been around forever. I'm my first test, there were issues, but ultimately my scripts worked.
next test in a database that very similar to the first., same OS. But there some differences. PSU is older, database is bigger/more data, block size (even). But in this new test in the other database, i immediately get ora-00972 when i create my INTERIM table.
I've read on blogs that you can still get caught with the sizes of names if your character set is large and using intense names, but... this is just english and WE NLS Character set.
Any one have problems with the 12.2 new 128 character sizes for structure names?