Re: Oracle and Infomatica connection
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 09:57:23 +0000
Message-ID: <LO2P265MB0415ACB81DCCD02049AC8959A5440_at_LO2P265MB0415.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>
Almost certainly - but I believe you can replace default Informatica processing with a call to a "native procedure", so Informatica can call a pl/sql procedure to do "insert as select" instead of sucking millions of rows across the network and pushing them back into a different table. This assumes, of course, that you don't do something in Informatica that can't be done locally in the database.
If you can't call native procedures there are a couple of way to optimise the traffic. How are you doing the inserts, and how have you configure the SQL*Net SDU size ?
Jonathan Lewis
From: <> on behalf of Sanjay Mishra <> Sent: 15 March 2019 03:20:30
To: Oracle-L Freelists
Subject: Oracle and Infomatica connection
I had infomatica server running ETL load which is selecting data from One Schema to another schema in the same database. Data loaded are millions of rows. Does network bandwidth matter in such scenario as my Infomatica server is in different Centre then Database Tier and there is high communication issue as ping shows 45ms reposnse time. I can see multple SQL Net kind of waits but not sure if that should come when infomatica is reading and writing on Database server itself.
-- on Fri Mar 15 2019 - 10:57:23 CET