Re: Limit public table access
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 08:20:30 -0700
Message-ID: <>
Thanks for the view idea. I am not sure if we have control how the program gets the list of tables. Checking on that.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 8:00 AM Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
> This idea Hemant posted is a very useful notion, and in the case of
> multiple user facing “application schema” you can add an application name
> column to the view in case they want to only see one “application schema”
> at a time. This “user facing table dictionary” can also have an owner
> column visible in the case where you granted access but did not make a
> public synonym. This is useful when multiple “application schema” share
> table names.
> Also read in on Bryn’s piece regarding code only schema and so forth. If
> you implement that (and everyone should, but there are 42 million reasons
> why folks unwisely punt that into the future file) then there is a wrapper
> between your users and direct access, but you still may want to organize
> reports by “application” of what they are allowed to use to minimize screen
> spam.
> Moderate sized “menus” like this tend to make users happy and especially
> in command line environments for ad hoc queries the performance can be very
> snappy.
> mwf
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Hemant K Chitale
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 13, 2019 4:59 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* ORACLE-L
> *Subject:* Re: Limit public table access
> Typically build a custom view to list only target tables and present that
> to this tool ?
> Is it hard-coded to query only ALL_TABLES ?
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2019, 01:58 Jeff Chirco, <> wrote:
> Ok so we have a reporting tool for users that uses their Oracle account.
> When the first connect to it and get a table list they see all tables they
> have access to through PUBLIC. This obvisouly confuses them and I would
> like to remove this. I've tested removing objects from public but that
> didn't go well when it came time to patch the database. A bunch of things
> failed. Oracle must want things granted to public for a reason. But is
> there another way around to prevent some users from seeing public?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
-- on Wed Mar 13 2019 - 16:20:30 CET